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  1. Sareus

    ondoubleclick help

    This is typically my method for handling any new project as well. No sense reinventing the wheel if there's a script that already does most of what you want.
  2. Sareus

    Token System

    Acts like a different currency than Gold Coins typically have a different name and color but usually use Coins, Bank Checks, Rolled Recipe Scrolls as the model. You've probably seen them on any server as "Alternative Currencies" or "Donation Currencies".
  3. Sareus

    Full Artifact Suits & Artifactors

    Sareus submitted a new resource: Full Artifact Suits & Artifactors - Full Suits of The AoS, Minor, ML, Shared, and 7th Anniversary Artifacts Read more about this resource...
  4. Sareus

    Full Artifact Suits & Artifactors 1.0

    This is my old pack of All the AoS, Minor, ML, Shared, and 7th Anniversary Artifacts completed as full suits. AOS: AoS Extended (Weapons turned into Armor/Clothing Sets | Armor Sets turned into Weapons): Artifactors: Minor: Mondain's Legacy/Shared:
  5. Sareus

    Artisan Festival - Reward Items (2016/2017/2018/2019)

    Sareus updated Artisan Festival - Reward Items (2016/2017/2018/2019) with a new update entry: Final Fixing and Cleaning Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Sareus

    Artisan Festival - Reward Items (2016/2017/2018/2019) - Final Fixing and Cleaning

    Should all be using correct ItemIDs and Lit/Unlit versions now.
  7. Sareus

    Artisan Festival - Reward Items (2016/2017/2018/2019)

    Sareus updated Artisan Festival - Reward Items (2016/2017/2018/2019) with a new update entry: Publish 107 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Sareus

    Artisan Festival - Reward Items (2016/2017/2018/2019) - Publish 107 Update

    Added the New 2019 Items Fixed some mistakes with Wrong ItemIDs. Changed all Spawning names to contain the Dungeon/Shrines Name instead of the Object, While maintaining the player view able correct names. All around better version.
  9. Sareus

    Publish 106 – Items

    Should Be Fixed now.
  10. Sareus

    Publish 106 – Items

    I have it coded as a BaseShield but it spawns with "layer = invalid" or something weird like that tried messing with it yesterday but just yelling it to set the layer = TwoHanded freaked the compiler out. but I was swamped with other work so ill try looking at it later today when I get the chance.
  11. Sareus

    Publish 106 – Items

    There's a bug with the Rum Bottle you'll have to set the Layer to TwoHanded in order for it to be equip-able.
  12. Sareus

    Publish 106 – Items

    Sareus submitted a new resource: Publish 106 – Items - Publish 106 Wear-ables and Some Halloween Items Read more about this resource...
  13. Sareus

    Publish 106 – Items 1.1

    1 New Small Pumpkin - Octopus 2 New Tall Pumpkins - Tree / Pixie 2 New Hat - Jack-o-Lanturn Mask / Bake Kitsune Pelt Hat 2 New Necklaces - Bead Necklace / Fancy Bead Necklace 1 New Off-hand - Captain's Rum Bottle 2 New Gemstone Skulls - Ruby Skull / Amethyst Skull 9/21/2019 - Update: Fixed...
  14. Sareus

    Universal Storage Keys

    Oh its RepairDeed.RepairSkillInfo instead of RepairDeed.RepairSkilltype now. Gotcha Thank You!
  15. Sareus

    Universal Storage Keys

    Did a Fix ever get found for this? Because it's not the RepairDeed I'm using a fresh install of ServUO with no RepairDeed edits. Saw they had a similar problem but it just died off as a topic. 1567645053 My Best Guess is it has to do with: public enum RepairSkillType { Smithing...
  16. Sareus

    Xantos Evos Error

    I regret to inform I only have the Evo System (Shrinking, Training Elementals, Mounts, Pets, Mercs, Merc Gear) I don't believe I ever got into or used the Evo Weapons Sorry >.<
  17. Sareus

    Xantos Evos Error

    This and SimonOmega helped me get on the right track. Here is the edit I've been using that appears to be working fine. public override int Damage( int amount, Mobile defender ) { if ( AddPointsOnDamage ) AddPoints( defender ); return base.Damage( amount...
  18. Sareus

    Xantos Evos Error

    On the newest ServUO: Errors: + Custom Items/EVO System/BaseEvo.cs: CS0508: Line 265: 'Xanthos.Evo.BaseEvo.Damage(int, Server.Mobile)': return type must be 'int' to match overridden member 'Server.Mobile.Damage(int, Server.Mobile)' Lines 265 - 271: public override void Damage( int amount...
  19. Sareus

    DefPumpkinCarve ITool/BaseTool Error

    Indeed Thank You Very Much.
  20. Sareus

    DefPumpkinCarve ITool/BaseTool Error

    In the process of porting over my old files to the new ServUO and I feel like Im running in circles trying to fix this one. Errors: + Custom Items/Holiday Stuff/Halloween/2014/Pumpkin Carving/DefPumpkinCarve.cs: CS0115: Line 48...

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