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  1. Cad

    Explosion Potion Help (ServUO Pub 57)

    Hello, I'm needing help with setting up explosion potions to have a 5-second delay BUT also able to cancel the pot mid-way through the timer and bring it back up. (Line 142) Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000), () => from.EndAction(this.GetType())); // Default (500) I've changed...
  2. Cad

    Problem with Xpot timers

    Did you ever get the delay on your potions to work?
  3. Cad

    Bard Masteries on UOR Shard (ServUO Pub 57)

    Hello, Is there a way to incorporate these Bard spells on a UOR shard? Thanks in advance. UOGuide: Bard Masteries
  4. Cad

    XML Spawner "Kill Reset"

    Hello, I just need some clarification on what this prop does? I've read tutorials and haven't seen anything on this property. I keep mine 0 just due to the fact I don't know what its function is. Thanks in advance.
  5. Cad

    RunebookGump.cs help (ServUO 57)

    Hello, I'm stuck trying to figure out how to insert spell icons for "Recall" and "Gate Travel" into my runebooks instead of the words "Recall" and "Gate Travel" I've found the line needed to edit but not sure what I'm looking at. I know the current CliLoc numbers for these are to display the...
  6. Cad

    Open paperdoll on single click

    Solved, just change a few lines in CurrentExpansion.cs Thank you.
  7. Cad

    Open paperdoll on single click

    Hello, I may just be bugged but for some reason when I click on a vendor or even another player nothing comes up but a name. Isn't there a pre made gump that comes up upon single click? For example; Open Paperdoll, Buy, Sell, ETC. Server Info: UOR Era Client: ClassicUO w/ Razor...
  8. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    For sure, Thank you for all the help. Ill be posting all changes made shortly. 1613177615 CHANGES MADE TO DISPLAY DURABILITY ON INSTRUMENTS. Attached is my BaseInstrument.cs with just the changes made to display durability. Line12 public abstract class BaseInstrument : Item, IUsesRemaining...
  9. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    I GOT IT! Ill go through everything I did. Thank you for your time and help!
  10. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    yes, UOR. I've been looking into the BaseHarvestingtool.cs and Shovel.cs to see different lines that may be causing the durability to show on the shovel but nothing seems to working. My knowledge in C# and coding period are very slim
  11. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    uses are being consumed but durability is not being displayed
  12. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    I found this line in the BaseInstrument file? Is there another line that goes with this to set it so it shows? public override void AddUsesRemainingProperties(ObjectPropertyList list) { list.Add(1060584, UsesRemaining.ToString()); // uses remaining: ~1_val~ }
  13. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    I’m really just trying to get the instruments to show durability. My tools are still showing uses remaining though
  14. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    All good, I’m gonn keep messing with the code until I finally make some progress lol. Thanks tho.
  15. Cad

    Instruments and tools displaying uses remaining/durability (ServUO 57)

    Hello, been struggling to figure out how to get Instruments and tools such as pickaxe, hatchet, ETC; to display the uses remaining / durability. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Picture attached is what I'm going for. Thanks in advance.
  16. Cad

    ServUO (Pub 57) Escortables announcing "destination" when approached.

    Hello, I was wondering what needs to be changed in order to have Escorts announce a message when approached along with still having the "destination" command. Thanks in advance.
  17. Cad

    (ServUO Pub 57) Staff casting spells without freeing hands up

    PERFECT, Thank you for all the help.
  18. Cad

    (ServUO Pub 57) Staff casting spells without freeing hands up

    ***UPDATE*** There's a line in the code that makes changing this weird because I only want staff members to void the clear hands before casting. Line 56: public virtual bool ClearHandsOnCast { get { return true; } } Not sure if this change could work with that? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  19. Cad

    (ServUO Pub 57) Staff casting spells without freeing hands up

    Code compiled with no errors but in-game tested on razor, and classicUO casting as a staff member still un equips items in hand. I'm going to play around with it more when I get off of work but is there anything else in the code line i could change to make this work? Thanks in advance.
  20. Cad

    (ServUO Pub 57) Staff casting spells without freeing hands up

    Hello, So I don't know where to start with this... I thought maybe spells.cs under these lines: public virtual bool OnCasterEquiping(Item item) { if (IsCasting) { if ((item.Layer == Layer.OneHanded || item.Layer ==...

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