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  1. Cad

    Classic GM Robe

    librettomafia submitted a new resource: Classic GM Robe - GMRobe StaffRobe Read more about this resource...
  2. Cad

    Classic GM Robe 2020-08-29

    Basic GM Robe. Can Equip/Unequip, change the hue, ETC. Pulled pieces from "hooded shroud of shadows", an older StaffRobe file, and Nerun's staff item files. Can be seen by players IF dropped but if the player tries to interact with it, it will delete itself.
  3. Cad

    (ServUO Pub57) Items to show uses remaining (Instruments in particular)

    Hello, If anyone could please help me with this small issue. I have a UOR based test shard and was wanting to make it so instruments show uses remaining like sewing kits, shovels, ETC. Thanks in advance.
  4. Cad

    Advanced Camping & Outpost System

    Sweet script, definitely going to make good use of this! Thank you @Massapequa
  5. Cad

    (RunUO 2.7) Getting Instruments to show Uses Remaining.

    So I have all of those lines, but still nothing, Im wondering if it is because im running a T2A Era shard. I have already modified it to show Properties and I even tested uses remaining by changing expansions and still no results. Btw now using latest ServUO server files.
  6. Cad

    (RunUO 2.7) Getting Instruments to show Uses Remaining.

    is there a way to modify this to get it to show uses remaining? public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list ) { int oldUses = m_UsesRemaining; CheckReplenishUses( false );
  7. Cad

    (RunUO 2.7) Getting Instruments to show Uses Remaining.

    I was wondering what I need to add to make it so musical instruments show remaining uses. Thank you in advance.
  8. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    Ive read about doing that but is that not just restarting server?
  9. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    whatever it is its far beyond what I know lol ive been at this for a few days now 1562898329 Only way I've figured it to work is if my CurrentExpansion.cs is changed, which I'm avoiding doing because I want the classic UOR feel. using System; using Server.Accounting; using Server.Network...
  10. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    that is exactly how mine looks but for whatever reason im still not able to use those would be a huge setback to change to servuo but damn. public static bool VerifyProfession( int profession ) { if ( profession < 0 ) return false...
  11. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    could you show what youre saying in a code line? ive changed the numbers but I may be doing something wrong.
  12. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    are you talking about these? public static bool VerifyProfession( int profession ) { if ( profession < 0 ) return false; else if ( profession < 4 ) return true; else if ( Core.AOS && profession < 6 )...
  13. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    this is my current line for ExpansionInfo.cs im still getting that error about AOS/SE just not understanding this. ill post my CharacterCreation.cs along with ExpansionInfo.cs I really appreciate you taking time out to help me out. new ExpansionInfo(...
  14. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    ive been trying different things out all day and have yet to get this to work. ive looked into expansioninfo.cs but cant find anything.
  15. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    only thing im still confused on is the expansions blocking players from using that pre made template, I changed starting locations of the edited templates but still receiving that AOS/SE message. 1562820348 Got all the CLilocs and Gumps situated. 1562820589
  16. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    So this modifies the starting skills, would you happen know how to change the name and images within the gump? I have UOFiddler to get the CliLoc values but I just cant find a file to do that. private static Mobile m_Mobile; private static void SetSkills( Mobile m, SkillNameValue[]...
  17. Cad

    Need help changing starting Templates (RunUO 2.7)

    What I'm trying to do here is take away all of the AOS/SE Templates and replace them with common UOR templates. Ex: Tamer, Thief, Bard, ETC. any guidance as to where I should start to make these changes? V/R
  18. Cad

    Removing faucets from server. help

    I've been trying to remove malas, ileshnar, etc. (only keeping Trammel and Felucca) from my server completely, I have them taken off of the publicmoongate.cs but I want to make sure no players will be able to travel to them? maybe there is a way to just disable them?

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