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  1. creating new maps

    my long term goal is to use this link and convert maps 1,3,5,10, and 20 to replace the stock maps on SA 7.0.71
  2. creating new maps

    Thanks! I had originally picked out 5 maps and kept trying to get them to 'pack' and unpack using the UOP tool with UO fiddler. I was only able to get the first two maps to work like I wanted. The third, fourth, and fifth map wouldn't work with a flip, and finding good directions seemed to be...
  3. creating new maps

    Does anyone have a tutorial on how to create new blank replacement maps? I have done some searching and while some seem helpful, when I go to use the links they are dead. I also attempted to reach the owner for and no reply as of yet. I probably ended up in spam or something...
  4. RunUO Release 2.5

    I tried - it says the file is to large for the server to process.
  5. RunUO Release 2.5

    Hi all, I was going to try and put this in the RunUO Release section and I don't have permission. This pack contains UO Architect configured, with Xanthos (redesigned mercenary as a mage) and Ultima Live along with many other customs loaded in. However during this process of setting up Ultima...
  6. Vitanex Core

    Has Vita Nex Core been compiled in a Linux environment? If it has can the actual pre-requisites be posted, the commands used and what should be expected in the log? I have posted about this before and never finished compiling to the final product. I would really like to have ServUO on my...
  7. UltimaLive Map Streamer and Editor [Deleted]

    I can find my map by using [go map - however I am not seeing the new map. I don't really want to replace the original maps and have a couple of new ones to add on.
  8. Re-pack question

    I also wanted to add the instructions from RunUO, so that there could be clarification on which steps to do for each distro? This PDF points to 2.3 RunUO or ServUO except it focuses only on RunUO and doesn't include the same exact instructions for ServUO. I thank you in advance for your patience...
  9. Re-pack question

    With the suggestion, and following the directions, there wasn't any line numbers that specified where to put the modifications in. Doing the best *I* can it isn't compiling at all in the PlayermMobile.cs , so I am uploading the CS file and attaching it instead of inserting all of the lines of...
  10. Re-pack question

    Does anyone have a repack of the base servuo with the ultima live and the trees?
  11. My RunUO

    Installed Workbench and it *seems* to be working - how can I verify?
  12. My RunUO

    No go... This is what I get with MySQL... Your MySQL connection id is 238 Server version: 5.5.35-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 (Ubuntu) This is what I have now in the string... public const string DatabaseDriver = "{MySQL ODBC 5.5.35}";
  13. My RunUO

    Well, I guess it isn't newbie proof enough.. I am getting stuck on the values to use for the database driver. System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open ()...
  14. My RunUO

    Hi all, Does ServUO use the My RunUO ? If so, is there a recent walk through on how to set this up on MySQL?
  15. Crashed - ServUO restarts constantly

    *needed to edit to give kudos for help* Just wanted to say thank you to Kalamus and Insanity in the chat room to help get all the other errors resolved! Server Crash Report =================== RunUO Version 0.5, Build 5150.37444 Operating System: Unix .NET Framework: 4.0.30319.17020...
  16. Steps closer to ServUO on Ubuntu!

    Well, this is the closest I have been... So close... Maybe someone with Unix experience can help... Ill give an 'A' for effort!
  17. Steps closer to ServUO on Ubuntu!

    These are the lines that I changed... //this.AddTextEntry(35, 275, 200, 21, 0, 1, null); this.AddTextEntry(35, 275, 200, 21, 0, (int)1, null); //this.AddTextEntry(35, 300, 200, 21, 0, 2, null); this.AddTextEntry(35, 300, 200, 21, 0, 2, (int)1, null); here are the NEW errors I received...
  18. Steps closer to ServUO on Ubuntu!

    I fixed the training elemental issue and now I'm back to an old error once again ... Errors: + Services/XmlSpawner 2/XmlEngines/XmlSpawnerGumps.cs: CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: Line 287: `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int...
  19. Steps closer to ServUO on Ubuntu!

    Hi all, I can get ServUO to work perfectly on windows excellent on resources. However I really need to save the license keys for larger projects as they are enterprise keys... Anyways I am down to ONE (1) error message and I am not able to get it... This is using Xanthos Evo's and no other...
  20. Evo Systems

    So far here, I have reconfigured the mercenary so that it is a mage focused. I will be using blank maps and utilizing the map streaming. You never what a cruel harsh world can throw at the adventurer.

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