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  1. arphile

    Help Server Errors

    did you modify Mobile.cs? or PlayerMobile.cs? it caused from Serialize/Deserialize functions. I think you might be modified Mobile.cs... need to change lots of things for your work..
  2. arphile

    Help Server Errors

    you need to post your crash message and script files if you want to solve this problem with other ppl. there's nothing we can do if you don't.
  3. arphile

    Who loves the chocolate, everyone loves the chocolate, nobody hates the chocolate~ cuz every one...

    Who loves the chocolate, everyone loves the chocolate, nobody hates the chocolate~ cuz every one loves the chocolate!! ~♪
  4. arphile

    Wood types for craft item

    Or you can also make your own craft definition like deftailoring.
  5. arphile

    Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    if you want to, you need to make a list for link chest and basecreatures. you can find some codes in CannedEvil system
  6. arphile

    Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    to tell you the truth, idk how to use it :p
  7. arphile

    Wood types for craft item

    Make public bool CheckItemBackpack(Mobile m, Item item, int amount) Function You need to count all of the items in m's Backpack and count item's amount. After that, return true or false with checking amounts of item with amount value. Like this lines, you can add some code. if (...
  8. arphile

    So, Few days ago, RunUO site has been closed.

    it's really sad story...
  9. arphile

    So, Few days ago, RunUO site has been closed.

    yeah, right, everyone will think like this. I just noticed that if administrator post Google Ads. in their web page, they'll get lots of pay.. rofl..
  10. arphile

    So, Few days ago, RunUO site has been closed.

    I wish to view but it doesn't work few days. So, I tried to find it on google to found some information about runuo site. finally, I found a site which domain is is this official? is there anyone know about this site?
  11. arphile

    Tired, tired, someone need to go to bed is working now..

    Tired, tired, someone need to go to bed is working now..
  12. arphile

    Treasure map increase guardian creatures amount

    You need to change DeleteTimer class if you really wish to change the time. Timers, sometimes, get first period and check next time with a gap. In this case, we'll use Delete timer just once. So, actually I didn't check this script, but it must be including how long it will take a gap for work...
  13. arphile

    Elven VS Humans

    how about check misc/Notoriety.cs ? if you add some codes, you can make a war between elf and human players. add some codes which check race definitions.
  14. arphile


    it causes from XmlGiveArtifactTo(Mobile m, BaseCreaturebc) function in XmlParagon script. you need to check this script to avoid server crash.
  15. arphile

    having a great super duper meal is always good for me!

    having a great super duper meal is always good for me!
  16. arphile

    problem client

    Even SO use google translator, other ppl can understand what that person want to say. I totally agree this.
  17. arphile

    Make server perform a command every 2hours?

    Use timer You can read about this function in autosave.cs in misc folder.
  18. arphile

    problem client

    sometimes it happened with client-server versions. why don't you downgrade your client files or change your RunUO2.2 to ServUO?
  19. arphile

    why don't you move to Korea! rofl.. you can use public wi-fi and it exist everywhere! you don't...

    why don't you move to Korea! rofl.. you can use public wi-fi and it exist everywhere! you don't need to pay for this.
  20. arphile

    I'm sorry to hear that your internet service have a data cap.. sigh..

    I'm sorry to hear that your internet service have a data cap.. sigh..

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