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  1. Art New LBritish Armor and LBlackthorn Robe Item ART images for Backpack 1.0

    These New LBritish Armor and LBlackthorn Robe Item ART images allow the user to have a proper backpack image of the Armor or Robe rather than the original dull Triangle with text on it.
  2. New GM Robe GUMP and ART Item for Backpack

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: New GM Robe GUMP and ART Item for Backpack - Upgraded GM Robe with and without Beltpouch and proper GM Item ART for backpack Read more about this resource...
  3. Art New GM Robe GUMP and ART Item for Backpack 1.0

    Allows for a more prestigious looking GM Robe. Also give the user a proper backpack image of the GM Robe rather than the original dull Triangle with text on it.
  4. Gothic Player Backpack

    Carl Hamilton updated New Gothic Player Backpack with a new update entry: Gothic Player Backpack Updated Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Art Gothic Player Backpack - Gothic Player Backpack Updated

    I have updated the Gothic Player Backpack and it now has a Mini Container version as well as the Full Container version for the Gump 60 replacement image. This new Mini version takes up as little space on the game screen as possible, allowing for a larger view of the game environment while...
  6. Fancy Player Backpack

    Carl Hamilton updated New Fancy Player Backpack this time with a new update entry: Fancy Player Backpack Updated Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Art Fancy Player Backpack - Fancy Player Backpack Updated

    I have updated the Fancy Player Backpack and it now has a Mini Container version as well as the Full Container version for the Gump 60 replacement image. This new Mini version take up as little space on the game screen as possible, allowing for a larger view of the game environment while having...
  8. Fancy Player Backpack

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: New Fancy Player Backpack this time - Fancy Player Backpack (Container, Minimized and Paperdoll GUMP art item replacements) Read more about this resource...
  9. Art Fancy Player Backpack 1.2

    I decided to make another Player Backpack. This has a Fancy look to it, there are replacement BMP images for Large Open Backpack container as well as the 3 minimized art image gumps and finally the players paperdoll art image gump. All in the RAR file for download. I've attached images of the...
  10. Gothic Player Backpack

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: New Gothic Player Backpack - Gothic Player Backpack (Container, Minimized and Paperdoll GUMP art item replacements) Read more about this resource...
  11. Art Gothic Player Backpack 1.2

    It's been a long while since I've seen a replacement for the players Main Backpack. So I decided to make this one. It has a Gothic look to it, and there are replacement BMP images for Large Open Backpack container as well as the 3 minimized art image gumps and finally the players paperdoll art...
  12. LB Throne & Fancy Benches Item Art fixes.

    Carl Hamilton submitted a new resource: LB Throne & Fancy Benches Item Art fixes. - Fixes a glitch with these art items. Player sitting or NPC sitting on them doesn't get covered Read more about this resource...
  13. Art LB Throne & Fancy Benches Item Art fixes. 1.0

    When you sit on Lord British's Throne (or place a NPC on the throne) as well as sit on the Fancy Benches in the game your character or NPC character will get 1/2 covered by the 2nd piece of the artwork. Theis is due to the art needing 2 images to make the entire item and there is a little...

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