Search results

  1. New Mount/Mob?

    May I get the ID number for this?
  2. Shard List

    I put the spaces in there on purpose, because every time I went to post it would show my banner and not the URL. https:// I just posted it again. The whole website come up. Not just the banner. As you can see above. So it isn't seeing just the Picture. I did this...
  3. Shard List

    Tried https :// and it didn't work either. Do you know of any banner hosting sites that will work?
  4. Shard List

    I am trying to add my Shard to the list. I cannot get past the Banner URL. It says it's not valid. I copied it straight from the website itself. Also tried adding Still says not valid. Any Ideas?
  5. UO Succession - (Custom)

    KAHN: "We have been playing UO for 20+ years. We have created a server everyone can enjoy. Simple fun. Nothing complicated. Check us out!" THE ULTIMATE OLD SCHOOL, UNIQUE, AND FUN SERVER! 1. Classic weapons plus some newer named weapons. 2. Classic armor plus some newer named armor. 3. Classic...
  6. Help with code knowledge

    Thanks guys! Y'all are always a tremendous help. Manwich....that cliloc gump is awesome!
  7. Help with code knowledge

    I searched, and the cliloc number is not in script. Only message clilocs are there.
  8. Help with code knowledge more question. Where can I find cliloc numbers for items? I have UOFiddler, but doing a search I can't find the one I want. PowerScroll. Would help if I knew where to look. I just did a search in UOFiddler "other" and nothing came up.
  9. Help with code knowledge

    What do the last set of numbers represent? (1044294 & 1041267) index = this.AddCraft(typeof(Runebook), 1044294, 1041267
  10. pandora box worked, but you lost all your art? Please explain. Your statement seems to not make sense. I didn't have art in the deco slot either. I down loaded Mondain's Legacy to my desk top, and pointed Pandoras to it. showed back up. For some reason Pandoras does not like the Classic...
  11. UOSuccession - NEW SHARD

    UO Succession UOR IP: Port: 2593 Felucca dedicated to RP/Factions.......Trammel dedicated to normal UO play, but set to Felucca rules. Ter Mur......Has a gate to a guarded Village on the Moongate. New RP/Faction/Player Reward system.....The reward system benefits everyone...
  12. pandora

    I went to this website ( 11.42 GB folder on MEGA ) that Cormac left above in his post. I download UO Mondains Legacy 6_0_0_0, unzipped it to my desktop, pointed Pandoras to it, and now I can see the Deco images. :)
  13. Orcs redone...

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I got these errors....I commented them out but what is the fix? I like that they can heal. ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.5, Build 7178.27446 Core...
  14. Xantos Shrink System

    I opened it with a text editor.......worked great......Thanks sooooo much for all the help!
  15. Xantos Shrink System

    ShrinkConfig.xml.....was going to change ShrinkConfig.cs but it says I need to change the ShrinkConfig.xml to change the amount of charges on the pet leash. 1594599135 I have never ran into any script I couldn't change until now. 1594599304 Below is the reason I was trying to change the...
  16. Xantos Shrink System

    It will not let me change it in the script.......I can't change the "50" to a "1". Like it's a read only file.
  17. Xantos Shrink System

    I have tried to change in scripts and Data folder. It will not let me change the shrink charges. I am not understanding what I need to do to be able to change it. Seems everyone else is making changes as needed. How do I change it? Why can't I just change the 50 to 1. to change the foo...
  18. pandora box it to work thanks. But I will spell it out for others, because I spent 30 minutes to an hour trying to figure this out. After you have placed the "Converted UOP Folder" in your Ultima Online Classic folder. 1. Right click on Pandoras Box icon on the Task Bar at the right bottom of...
  19. pandora box

    OK did all the above and when I select the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic" with the converted MUL file folder in tells me the folder doesn't contain valid MUL files. Am I supposed to replace the UOP-MUL files in UO Classic with the converted MUL files...
  20. Sites to put shard out there

    I will soon be ready to let my server go public, and would like to know all locations to do it. I thought there used to be one here on ServUO.

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