Search results

  1. Delucia's number

    I have searched the files and cannot find the number that represents Delucia. Does anyone know or know where to look? Thanks new PMEntry(new Point3D(1828, 2948,-20), 1012008), // Trinsic new PMEntry(new Point3D(643, 2067, 5), 1012009), // Skara Brae /* Dynamic Z for Magincia to support both...
  2. January Bug Fixes

    I just recently dl'd ServUO and the new client from UO. The patch went to I have done everything the forums have told me to do, but I can't get Pandoras Box to work. I have also tried to get UO Architect to work (although I know nothing about that one) to no avail. Without a building...
  3. Pandoras Box

    Yes. I dl'ed those files and put them directly into The "Classic Client" files that was downloaded from the official uo web site and patched up to
  4. Pandoras Box

    OK guys. I have read and did everything the other forums have suggested and still Pandoras is not working. My client is at this is too high....not sure. Any suggestions?
  5. Admin command list

    Thanks guys
  6. Admin command list

    I am looking for the admin command list. For example I have done "[doorgen" and have created all my doors and "[moongen" and created all my moongates, but having trouble with vendor generator. I know in RunUO there was a place you could see all the commands. Is there one on ServUO?

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