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  1. High Seas Bosses and Artifacts - Updated Resource

    Hello everybody ! Here is the update of this resource. I have re-uploaded everything, deleted some wrong files, also added some missing files. In this update I have made the Charybdis Bait, Fish Oil Flask to recharge the Oracle of The Seas and to boost your lantern light's life( also added to...
  2. Add Charges or Uses to an Item

    No problem :), glad I could help!
  3. Add Charges or Uses to an Item

    On the : public class PortaPetRes : Item { Modify to this : public class PortaPetRes : Item { private int Charges; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public int Charges { get{return this.m_Charges;} set{this.m_Charges = value...
  4. High Seas Bosses and Artifacts 1.5

    Hi guys, i'm here to share my first custom release with all of you. I am working on the High Seas bosses( nothing so cool like in the Vita Core Next Video ), but a more "robust" version. Before posting, here is the credits for the peoples who helped me to make this package : - Koluch : from...
  5. High Seas Bosses and Artifacts - Oracle Of the Seas Update

    Updated Oracle of the Seas. Just change the original one.
  6. High Seas Bosses and Artifacts 2014-01-31

    Hi guys, i'm here to share my first custom release with all of you. I am working on the High Seas bosses( nothing so cool like in the Vita Core Next Video ), but a more "robust" version. Before posting, here is the credits for the peoples who helped me to make this package : - Koluch : from...
  7. Backpack and inventory bug?

    Thanks for the fast support, issue solved !
  8. Hello :P

    Welcome my friend :D
  9. Hi =D

    Thanks ! Our shard exists since 2009 (counting the downtimes too). The best years of the shard was between 2009 and 2011, but I hope we will bring her back to the glorious time !
  10. Hi =D

    Hi guys, my name is Lucas and on the internet my nickname is TacurumiN. I'm from Brazil and here me and my friend César have a shard called "GeNova Reborn". The UO public here in Brazil is constantly decreasing and that's a problem but we are working to bring to the public a different shard...

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