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  1. Darth Deity

    Help adding RunicHammer to loot table

    Thank you! works great!
  2. Darth Deity

    Help adding RunicHammer to loot table

    I am trying to get Valorite elementals to have a small chance to drop a Valorite hammer. I know it need to specify the ore type and amout of charges, just not sure how to write it in here. public override void GenerateLoot() { this.AddLoot(LootPack.FilthyRich)...
  3. Darth Deity

    Problem with Admin account

    Hey Everyone, I have an old version of ServUO on my PC, and running classic client 7.0.50. I was able to get it compiled and running, I can log into and play a normal account. However, when I try to log into my Admin account, it freezes at selecting the character. I have two characters created...
  4. Darth Deity

    Test to see if server is accessible

    I got it! Thank you
  5. Darth Deity

    Spell Channeling on Pre-AOS server

    It sure did! I found it last night while looking through spellbook.cs. used the allowedequipedcast and it works great. Thank you for looking!
  6. Darth Deity

    Spell Channeling on Pre-AOS server

    Hey guys! I wanted to bring in some AOS attributes to my Pre-AOS server. My goal is to get Artifact weapons to be able to use Spell Channeling. The easiest way I can see this being done is to chance the Layer on each item to something not used by armor, but I'm realizing anything i change it to...
  7. Darth Deity

    Test to see if server is accessible

    It says im good to go. My buddy can't log in to it, but it might be his set up. Thanks for the link!
  8. Darth Deity

    Test to see if server is accessible

    Will someone test my server? I believe I set it up correctly, and have 2593 open on my router. I will message you the public IP. Thank you in advance!
  9. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    That's getting closer! Using [props, the name is -null-. So i need to find where I can name the board that is it producing. Not sure if the version section of boards.cs has anything to do with it, but I think we are close. So i can use [props on both old and new boards, and I can rename a new...
  10. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    I didn't add OWLTR to my server, but i did add those to my Resourceinfo.cs file. However, mine looks like this: private static readonly CraftResourceInfo[] m_WoodInfo = new CraftResourceInfo[] { new CraftResourceInfo(0x000, 1011542, "Normal"...
  11. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    Thats exactly what my log.cs looks like. I can add all logs, and add all boards. I can't select a normal board to show its name. As soon as i click on a normal board, it shows nothing and freezes the server. All other boards work perfectly. I do need to say, that I haven't done a pull in over a...
  12. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    That worked beautifully! Everything is working now, with the correct names, with the exception of creating normal boards from logs. When I create boards from normal logs the server freezes. All other logs create boards and have no problem. I assume that it doesn't have a name to call and the...
  13. Darth Deity

    Icommodity.Description Error

    I updated just the Log.cs file to show the names of logs in my LBR server and my ICommodity Description stopped working for every commodity deed. Errors: + Items/Consumables/BasePotion.cs: CS0535: Line 49: 'Server.Items.BasePotion' does not implement interface member...
  14. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    I figured it out! However now the logs are producing random names, or just say "heartwood board" but im pretty sure its because I have changed so many thing in the log.cs file that it doesn't know what to pull from. All i had to do is add LabelNumber. public override int LabelNumber...
  15. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    I see that it doesn't support Object Property List, but why does Dull Copper, Shadow Iron, etc, show its name in Pre-AoS? I would assume that it should be as easy as finding where their object name is, and add the special wood to that list. 1589051981 Maybe the better question is, What in Ors.cs...
  16. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    I took a very long hiatus from modding my server but I would like to get back to it! I still haven't been able to get my logs and boards to show the name of resource that was harvested. When I use lumberjack and get logs, the color is right, and it says you put "frostwood" in you pack. But the...
  17. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    Thank you, I'll start looking at the differences and see what I can find.
  18. Darth Deity

    Log and Board name not changing when resource is harvested

    Hey all! I am having trouble getting the name of the log/board I harvest to display when the resource is clicked on. *quick overview* I added BOD's to fletching in my LBR serveer for better archery. I enabled the special logs to be harvest from trees (blood, ash, oak, etc.) by removing the...
  19. Darth Deity

    Runic Fletching tools in Pre-AOS

    ***Update*** The new logs are able to be harvested (I added them to the "else if" in lumberjacking.cs) but they are all just called "logs". How do I get the name to show when say oak, frostwood etc. is harvested? ***still trying to get bowcraft/fletching BODs to be given in pre ML*** Any help...
  20. Darth Deity

    Runic Fletching tools in Pre-AOS

    Is there any way to add Runic Fletching and the current Lumber, to a Pre-AOS (LBR) server? The goal is to add better archer weapons that players can make. The two routs I was thinking about taking to accomplish this was either find an example of someone running pre-aos with custom lumber, or...

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