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    Running VitaNex on Build 57.4 - MessagePump error

    I just did it again but with 57.4.1 this time as a fresh install and got the same errors. Have not had a chance to really test anything yet.

    Running VitaNex on Build 57.4 - MessagePump error

    I get some of what you are getting but not the supergumps. I have not tried utilizing them as I have not had much time to test.

    Running VitaNex on Build 57.4 - MessagePump error

    That worked. Thank you.

    Running VitaNex on Build 57.4 - MessagePump error

    I am not sure what the right way to fix this would be. When I try compiling VitaNex on build 57.4, I get the below error. When I look at MessagePump.cs, it is now set as a static class in the latest build: Current: public static class MessagePump Previous: public class MessagePump...

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    I don't think so, but you can set one to false and see what happens. I am at work and do not have access to my servuo scripts from here to verify. If I remember correctly those enable options on the gates like pets must pay, karma, no young etc.. I don't think they disable pages in the gump...

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    Don't use [props to modify the omni porter locations, it needs to be edited from within the file. If you want to remove a specific location, you can comment out the line in the script and then run the following commands: 1. [WorldOmniDel - removes all gates 2. [Worldomnigen - adds all the...

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    It is very easy to add locations as well as change the graphic. There are comments that I added in the script to do both. I am not sure what all is out there. There is another gate system based off of xml. But I don't remember the name.

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    It does not work that way. You will have to use [worldomnigen.

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    There is no need to be psychic or have magical powers. Most people on these forums just want to help. For example, I put a lot of time in cleaning this script up so that I could share it with the community. Just like Lokai did many years ago when he wrote it. Although I think it is more...
  10. ACME_INC

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    I was not aware Lokai originally wrote this on a 486... Sorry, couldn't resist Lokai. I have updated the description to include Lokai's link.
  11. ACME_INC

    problem with custom map

    Are you replacing an in game map or using UltimaLive to add additional maps?
  12. ACME_INC

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    I can say that there is nothing more nerve racking than hearing the guy who originally wrote this script want to check out the changes I made... Thank you for taking the time to look at it and even more so for originally creating it.
  13. ACME_INC

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    ACME_INC updated Daat99's World Omniporter 2.4 with a new update entry: DAAT99’s World Omniporter 2.5 – New Gumps, etc... Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. ACME_INC

    Daat99's World Omniporter 2.4 - DAAT99’s World Omniporter 2.5 – New Gumps, etc...

    There are lots of changes in this version. New gump system and more. I need to do a lot more though, this version was designed for people with a lot of maps so if you are just using the regular maps it may need to be resized a little. If you look at the script I have also included a couple of...
  15. ACME_INC

    Self-Replicating Puzzle Box

    Very cool.
  16. ACME_INC

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    I am finishing up some major changes to this script. Complete with new gumps. I am glad to see people are using it.
  17. ACME_INC

    Greco Roman

    I like this.
  18. ACME_INC

    Hello to ServUO

  19. ACME_INC

    UltimaLive Map Streamer and Editor [Deleted]

    Nothing wrong with some minimal requirements... :)
  20. ACME_INC

    Hello World!

    Welcome to servuo.

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