Search results

  1. Amadora

    Large Boats

    I am looking for the scripts for the deeds for the larger boats that are in working order. If anyone has these and is willing to share, it would be amazing! The Britten Boat and Tukuno ones I think they are called. I appreciate any help you can provide.
  2. Amadora

    Question Regarding CUO

    Ok I am looking to change to the CUO client on my server do I need a new program to add and change art in the CUO because when I direct my Fiddler to the folder I get errors and can not see the art or is it just using the classic client for the art and the CUO just there to log in? This is the...
  3. Amadora


    Does anyone know where in the servUO pub 57 scripts I would go to change the timezone of my server I am looking to change it to Eastern Standard Time
  4. Amadora

    Connection Issues

    I am having an issue where when someone goes to log into my server They use My IP When they go to log in they can get to the screen to choose the shard and click it then the client crashes and won't go past choosing the shard. Does anyone know what may be causing this and a fix I might try to...
  5. Amadora

    Needing help with a script

    I am looking to make a custom bridge out of a carpet script I have where the carpets are sizable. I want to take 3 items and stack them on one another I am not 100% sure on how to do this and I am getting an error when I try to compile my script. This is the script line I am having an issue...
  6. Amadora

    Question Regarding Animations

    How do you add .VD files to fiddler so you can have the new creature on your server? I have been trying to find info on google and can not find anything and there is a lot of creatures I would like to add to my server!
  7. Amadora

    Adding Item Animations

    Amadora submitted a new resource: Adding Item Animations - Adding Item Animations Read more about this resource...
  8. Amadora

    Editing Art

    I am looking to make a few pieces of art go in more directions then east and south does anyone have any recommendations as to what programs I can get to help with that
  9. Amadora

    Custom Maps

    I am looking for a copy of Trammel with Few rules I have tried making a copy but when I go to edit the map I don't have anything to edit is there a way to make a new map and have the files show up for editing in your UO folder? For example, I want to make a map and I want to have it make a new...
  10. Amadora

    Script Duplication

    Ok I am looking to make a copy of this script so that I can have a second book can anyone help me out and point me to what needs to be done I sat here for hours trying to get it to work and even after I change names and spots in the scripts it still gives me more errors I am trying to make 6...
  11. Amadora

    Getting shard to allow log ins

    Hello guys I know I posted this before but can not find it! what script is it to change your IP address so someone can log into your shard? I am using the latest servUO! I think it is this script but I can not remember how to put the IP into it keeps giving me errors! 1623646911 I got this Fixed...
  12. Amadora

    Pet Leash

    I am looking to put uses on this pet leash so that players will need to do the quest over and it will not render the quest useless after only doing it once! I am running the latest version of serveUO. If anyone can help me put uses on this leash I would be ever grateful!
  13. Amadora

    Sleepable Beds and or pillows

    I am running the newest servUO repo and I was wondering if anyone had sleepable beds and or pillows they would be willing to shard I have searched the site several times and have not been able to come across them! Thank you in advance if you can help! :)
  14. Amadora

    sizable custom rugs

    Hello everyone I have been looking for a script to make custom rugs and have them sizable for players! I can not get the basics down if anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful! Thank you in advance! I am using the newest servUO repo!
  15. Amadora

    Adding Hair to XML spawner

    Hello everyone we are using the latest UO repo and I have been hunting for weeks on how to add hair not a human or elf mob can someone please point me in the right direction. I have found site after site and not one gives the exact way to add hair and it is beginning to annoy me! Please tell me...
  16. Amadora

    Advanced interior tool

    I want the advanced tool to move all addons not just some can someone please help me out? I am using the newest servUo repo! For example my advance tool will move a custom addon I made but it will not move a stone table addon that was already in the game!
  17. Amadora


    I am looking to add custom containers to my shard can someone point me in the direction of a base script I can use or is this script here ok to use? I am using the newest servUO repo!
  18. Amadora

    Everlasting Bandage

    Hello everyone I can not seem to get this error fix can someone please help me I know it is something simple I hope and I am just looking at it wrong! I am using the latest release of servUO! Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 1 error, 0 warnings Errors: +...
  19. Amadora

    XML Quest creator

    I can not seem to find the link for the XML quest creator can someone please share the link I must be over looking
  20. Amadora


    I have been able to redo and modify a few scripts but still for the life of me I can not get a staff tool bar to work in the new server if anyone has one please please share

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