Search results

  1. jase giffin

    Dearest Abby

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: Dearest Abby - an addon that was a gift. Read more about this resource...
  2. jase giffin

    The Grove

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: The Grove - Custom world build Read more about this resource...
  3. jase giffin

    A small hello

    Its been a minute and I have missed being around. Great work on the repo. And the community looks to be thriving well. I hope you are all doing great. I look forward to seeing what this year brings, and I have a little surprise going together. May this week bring happiness and peace to you all...
  4. jase giffin

    Changing the Hue of flamewave attack from abilitythesix

    hey all, So today a friend of mine asked if it was possible to extend the abilitythesix commands. I said sure. So not knowing a whole lot about it I have a second command working of flamewave that looks like the red gates animating out yay. But that is not what I want. I want the original flames...
  5. jase giffin

    A happy holiday

    Well ServUO. It is that time of year again. A time when everyone comes together for family and friends. A magical time when everyone can stand back and reflect on the year. So, to make the best of it I would like to say Happy Holidays and a great new year to each of you and great job on the...
  6. jase giffin

    Unlocking skills in time frames.

    im sure im not the first to think of this so ill ask first. has anyone ever tried to make a script that would unlock skill points as time went by. say it starts at 720 and a month later 820 and so on. and in a year it a full on all skills sort of thing. idk just tossing this out there.
  7. jase giffin

    where it started

    Someone recently asked me where i started the grove so i figured id share it with you all.
  8. jase giffin

    Base World Arty

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: Base World Arty - XML Read more about this resource...
  9. jase giffin

    Check Book

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: Check Book - simple ledger style for stand alone or xanthos claim Read more about this resource...
  10. jase giffin

    The Grove Released. [Deleted]

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: The Grove Released. - Shard Build Read more about this resource...
  11. jase giffin

    Custom Vendors

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: Custom Vendors - NPC Vendors. Read more about this resource...
  12. jase giffin

    Harvest system for regs and crops 0.6 for servuo pub 54+

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: Harvest system for regs and crops 0.601 for servuo pub 54+ - harvesting. reagents. Read more about this resource...
  13. jase giffin

    Unable to remove armor and weapons on restart

    im not sure if i am having a client issue or not. after restarting i can not remove any items from a gm or player without using remove to delete them. is this a client and razor issue or is this maybe a error somewhere else? not sure if anyone else has had this issue or not.
  14. jase giffin

    Addon Pack Final

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: Addon Pack Final - ADDONS Read more about this resource...
  15. jase giffin

    EZ Gaming studio presents....

    Old Guard Horizon. Over a year in the making. Uses latest client. Professional scripting. PRE AOS FELUCCA MAP ONLY. ALL LIKE IT WAS WITH ONE EXCEPTION. All skills... im asking for a stress test of its dedicated server. 5-9-14. on. port 2593. lets see if we can recreate the...
  16. jase giffin

    Large BOD gives Small

    Does anyone remember the thread that this was discussed in?
  17. jase giffin

    the stripper.......

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: the stripper....... - npc good npc Read more about this resource...
  18. jase giffin

    Imbuing Fail.

    So the other night i sat down and made the edits to servuo for imbuing. did the little dance and have it working for publish 54 using of course dreamseekers imbuing. from runuo. however on restart it asks to delete armor and i think clothing. this tells me somewhere along the way i have missed...
  19. jase giffin

    gauntlet of horror.

    jase giffin submitted a new resource: gauntlet of horror. - mod locate pm mover kinda quest not really.
  20. jase giffin

    so rare......

    it comes a time in the year, we all do look back. what was it all for? tonight i did see singers for this dear time of year. i did smile. for this time of year is special. it reserves the moments for a time where i might have been spiteful and cheerless. i have seen disdain. a moment in life so...

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