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  1. frankieowns

    Have an idea of a reward system.

    I have alot of friends that play and love to do quests so i thought i would reward them for doing it and ive come up with the basic thought behind it. So. I thought like this if i have a system where the player gets rewarded in points and those points to be called Devotion. You would gain more...
  2. frankieowns

    Fortuneteller missing

    Fortune teller caused a problem for me when i installed UOArchitect into a fresh copy of servuo so i figure thats missing. I just cancelled the code for the fortune teller in Mobilesaver.cs in UOArchitect folder under your custom folder. Line 110 //ConversionTable.Add( typeof( FortuneTeller...
  3. frankieowns

    Looking for something

    My wife loves flowers and everything to do with decorating so i need something found or if anyone has scripts for it id love to get my hands on them :) 1) New updated seed plant tree system. 2) Seedbox that shows name of the seeds. Many thanks in advance if anyone take your time to help me :)...
  4. frankieowns


    Im new on ServUO but i know some since before! :) I had a small vacation from all that computer has to offer cus of a spinal surgery i had in april and im still not ok but much less pain! If you ever get asked to do a spinal fusion think hard if you can manage it cus the pain you get is...

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