Search results

  1. UO Architect Questions

    I am running kde neon a linux distro. I have installed mono and wine. I followed all directions for installing UO Architect. watched the tut video from this site. uninstalled and reinstalled wine. changed wine from stable version to staging. Architect says it is connected on port 2594 on my...
  2. yahtzee

    not for sure what is wrong i am sure it is simple though if someone can help i would be forever in your debt. RunUO - ["]] Version 2.1, Build 5868.33533 Core: Running on .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727 Core: Optimizing for 6 64-bit processors Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...failed...
  3. poker or texas hold'em

    for the life of me i can not remember how to make the poker dealer active . any help would be happy to have .. thanks.
  4. Announce Death script

    kevin brown submitted a new resource: Announce Death script - on charactor death announcement. Read more about this resource...
  5. Res Kill Protection

    kevin brown submitted a new resource: Res Kill Protection - Can adjust res protection as you wish . Read more about this resource...
  6. player resurrect protection time.

    I know this is a simple question . But for the life of me I can not find where player res protection time is at in the servuo server or scripts. I have searched the website and googled multible times. My problem is that when you die. there is no time to get your body before creatures attack...

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