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  1. cmileto


    Howdies and hello. If anyone is like me and still plays "osi" UO and would like to team up let me know. Ive a few mid tier characters on atlantic, its an account I started about 6 months ago, and i have actually had a blast!!, got phat loot and many toons, including a tamer, a samurai, a...
  2. cmileto

    ServUO, EC Client, and ultima live

    I am wondering if anyone has had any luck getting the EC client to display map changes done through things like ultima live? Is there a way to patch the EC client for this? I was, frankly, amazed at the easy ServUO support for this flashy client and my only problem is I have a very customized...
  3. cmileto

    The runuo forum is back up if anyone didnt know. Good to have that resource back even if ServUO is my favored go to for my UO fix.
  4. cmileto

    Whew! Saw cloudflare error and thought OMG not servuo too!

    Whew! Saw cloudflare error and thought OMG not servuo too! lol, must have been a hiccup with hosting for servuo site or something for a bit there. I was worried. :)
  5. cmileto

    Knive's Chat

    cmileto submitted a new resource: Knive's Chat - chat Read more about this resource...
  6. cmileto

    Problems giving item per race

    Im trying to drop a letter and a weapon into this bag depending on what race the character is. This is in charactercreation.cs When i make a new toon they get the bag with only skillball, gold, and map... no weapon or letter. What am i doing wrong? Prob noob mistake. Bag bag = new Bag()...
  7. cmileto

    Xanthos Evo System

    adding this to our shard on request of my oldest son. Trying to compile gives me: Error478 Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long' /home/clayton/projects/ServUOpub54/Scripts/Customs/Clayton/Xanthos/EVO/System/Mercenary/Mercenary.cs line:447 Here is the script: #region...
  8. cmileto

    RunUO console time

    Any idea why my runuo shows the time 5 hours off from real time? I have so many mods and systems I do not know where to look. Pls help. And ty for your time. (enclosing a picture so you can see what I mean)
  9. cmileto


    Hi, Thanks for putting all this info out here for us. Im really loving picking into servuo 54 thats for sure. Is there anything I can do to help restore the files from the archive section? So many gems there that we cannot reach. And it doesnt seem like posting new items will likely take off...

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