Search results

  1. Candy Apple

    Error: trying to load test server.

    I am running PUB 57 up to date in UO client. So I always zip up my live server and copy to my desktop on ALL computers and when I try to run it outside of the Remote desktop in the host. I get this error on all my computers... Anyone else having this issue if so what was the Error and what's the...
  2. Candy Apple

    Vote sites

    Hello all :) I was wondering if anyone has a active list of voting sites I can add my server to?
  3. Candy Apple

    Test Server. Something is wrong?

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.5, Build 6437.20990 Publish 54 Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software) Core: Loading...
  4. Candy Apple

    A little help please?

    System.OverflowException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range. I get this when I run the server and I do not understand what it means.
  5. Candy Apple

    Looking for a cheep host

    hello I was wondering if anyone might know of a cheep host?
  6. Candy Apple

    Server time

    I do not remember how to change the server time in the scripts and it is off by a hour :( Any help will be great :)
  7. Candy Apple

    New Aquarium

    Candy Apple submitted a new resource: New Aquarium - Aquarium Read more about this resource...
  8. Candy Apple

    gate or porter question

    Is there a gate or porter I can set to only be usable for say 30 days?
  9. Candy Apple

    Looking for

    I was wondering if anyone had a working ridable Bake Kitsune? I have one but when you mount it it poofs :(
  10. Candy Apple

    Issues with Evolution-Creatures

    There is three in here that do not gain [kp or evlove the Hiryu, Horse and the Swamp Dragon. I have added them into the KPCommand.cs and still no good I have also made new dragon's and other things and they work fine :) any ideas on why this package does not work? I am running windows 10, Pub...
  11. Candy Apple

    Evolution-Creatures Question

    Just wondering why the Evolution Hiryu, Evolution Horse and Evolution Swamp Dragon say ( That is not a Evolution Creature ) when you do [kp on them?
  12. Candy Apple

    Shrink Id

    Hello I am trying to figure out how to set the ID for all the pet's and animal's that when you shrink them they are just a ball. I would like them to look like the animal they are lol
  13. Candy Apple

    Looking for version classic client

    Hello again I was wondering if anyone has this client? version classic client? I can't find it any where on google :(
  14. Candy Apple


    Anyone know what this really means? I get it a lot and am clueless. Server Crash Report =================== RunUO Version 0.5, Build 6437.20990 Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 .NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000 Time: 10/4/2022 12:56:01 AM Mobiles: 76944 Items...
  15. Candy Apple

    Clothing rename deed?

    Hello again :) I was wondering if anyone has a deed to rename clothing items?
  16. Candy Apple

    Chat issue

    Anyone know why all of the sudden [c wont work says everyone is banned from chat? Im the server owner and I'm banned from chat ??
  17. Candy Apple

    spawners not respawning

    Ok anyone know why all the xml spawners are not respawning? they are all set to smart spawning true.
  18. Candy Apple


    whats the command to open a browser on a player?
  19. Candy Apple

    Looking for

    Ok I have looked and looked lol for the package that has the deathcoins, moonnite coins and I forgot the 3rd coin :( the package comes with a checkbook. If anyone has this can I please get it :) Id be greatfull ty
  20. Candy Apple

    A thank you

    I want to thank all who have helped me with things here.

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