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  1. Rochaven

    Server Restarts

    Hello again everyone, been a few weeks, had alot going on in the kitchen lol. Anyhow, i was wondering if anyone could help me with this issue. Our shard, never done this til now (and nope i have changed nothing in the past few weeks), is having random crash restarts. Its occuring during the...
  2. Rochaven

    UO Architect

    Which fold in my servo is considered "root directory" ? Thank you Ok so where i put it, in my main servo server folder it looks like its trying to work, when i say connect with my ip and pass and account name, i get a "Connectioin Failed, Underlying socket was closed" so i'm missing...
  3. Rochaven

    Arriana's Quest

    Does anyone see why this box isn't clicky? The quest goes that as you get a item in your pack, you double click the box and then the newly acquired item. After you you have combined three required items, you take box back to npc and receive reward. The box isn't let me me double click on it...
  4. Rochaven

    Inc Request for Hank

    Hank that code page you linked in chat the other day, that i THOUGHT i had saved to favorites, isnt there and now i cant find it here. Can you link that please sir................. buddy..........good friend of mine......................... :rolleyes:
  5. Rochaven

    Huntsman Forrest

    World: Loading...Invalid region name ('Huntsman's forrest') in 'Server.Engines.Q uests.SlayObjective' objective! Now for no reason, am getting this error in my shard startup, all files are current, checked and compared them to the ones Hank suggested. So still i am a lost. Its like it is...
  6. Rochaven

    Easy Npc Question

    Whats the name of the lady in doom who gives the bone quest for the golden skulls ? Ours is missing and i do not see her in the doom script itself, so going to put her on a spawner =) Thx for input.
  7. Rochaven

    Xanthos Question

    Doesn't the command [grab or [loot come in Xanthos ? Family is doing champ spawns and fussing about having to pick up each single pile of gold, which sidenote ( i think is funny), However mama dont and if mama isnt happy, no one is happy =) Thinking i just need to find it and set to true...
  8. Rochaven

    Most recent bug free ....

    What is the most recent bug free release atm? 54 ? 54.... or are all released clients still a "work in progress" so to speak?
  9. Rochaven

    Crash Conflict Upon New Char

    Ok so for the first time ever , a new error has risen its fierce head and i am at lost on how to address this. Below is the error log and as you see, it only occurs when someone in staff was given a "normal char" account. I created the account with their pass. As soon as they create the char and...
  10. Rochaven


    Which .cs is this found it, i have checked serverlist.cs and a few others, yet to find it, thanks for the pointing =)
  11. Rochaven

    Compiles but with One Error

    So going back to work on a old error i have had for sometime but never could figure it out. So Making a fresh attempt here to figure it out. Below is listed a Pic of the error i get, the .cs is including that is said to be causing such error. I have went front to back in it with VS , checking...
  12. Rochaven


    Happy Birthday Bro !
  13. Rochaven

    Looking for...

    Hello everyone, was wondering if anyone ever heard or seen (besides me and some of my family) a script that is based on mobs called "malaugrym" mobs. Tho the mobs are EXTREMELY Uber i intend on editing them down to the levels that best suit our server. But the script is worth every pain...
  14. Rochaven

    Number of Accounts and houses

    Does anyone know which .cs files i need to modify to change the number of accounts per ip and number of houses allowed per account ? Simple lol question but has yet to be captured by my never ending search . Thanks as always for everyone's input. :D
  15. Rochaven

    Normal ? Fixable? Or Just Leave Alone

    I keep getting this 18 bad premium spawn message. Is this normal or something i need to find and fix immediately to prevent more errors stemming from this one in the future? As always, thanks for the imput
  16. Rochaven

    I hope this Question is allowed

    I want to get the server hosted in April, which is a ways away but family has hounded me to make sure to know well before then how much to expect to pay. Everyone is putting in to cover the cost. So anyone know any good sites to get me started, i been goggling but i feel better when "friends"...
  17. Rochaven

    All but this one...

    So all my scripts transferred with little or no effort, but this one, oh yes, this one challenges me ! Still working on it but its a must have to help avoid some types of trouble i have incountered amongst my own family on my other shard. Will work on this and post change to bugs as i figure...
  18. Rochaven

    Back to 2.3

    Well going back to RunUo for the 2.3. Heard there was a 2.4 , even a 2.5 but i have failed to find it here so just going to use 2.3 .
  19. Rochaven

    The Big Jump

    Ok so i commited. I'm very nervous at the moment, having removed everything related to runuo off my computer, i feel so...... bare. Anyhow, now to figure out where to start here to reopen my families shard but as a NEW and IMPROVED SERVUO ! hmmm lol Not sure where to begin, runuo made it simple...
  20. Rochaven

    Creation vs Stablility

    Ok so i'm new here and might stab myself in the face but here goes. I have begun a runuo shard (not public at this time) for my family in four states and two countries. But recently i had someone i feel i can trust who hmmm... how do i say it descreetly, (knows this site) said i should convert...

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