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  1. fwiffo

    UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO

    fwiffo submitted a new resource: UOSteam/AssistUO for ClassicUO - uosteam, scriptable assistant, similar in the scripting engine to the original UOSteam/AssistUO Read more about this resource...
  2. fwiffo

    Automatic Translation for SendMessages

    Hello anyone, I was wondering from some time, if there is an actual way to translate automagically the "SendMessage" (string) and other strings sent by the server, and received from the client. From an actual point of view, and taking into account the ultimalive system, we could do it in two...
  3. fwiffo

    XmlSpawner (does compile with servuo) [Deleted]

    fwiffo submitted a new resource: 4.01 - xmlspawner - bugfixed and with a lot of new features Read more about this resource...
  4. fwiffo

    Question about commands, implementors or whatever :P

    I'm a total noob with the commands, maybe because I'm lazy to understand them and modify them in case... I put an example: I have some mobiles, whatever they are, that have a property, I want to set the HITSMAX to their HITS [set hitsmax ????? how do I read a value without typing it manually...
  5. fwiffo

    Display bug in [HelpInfo in Commands\HelpInfo.cs

    in the way the GUMP is displayed it omits some lines, for example, if we have 2 lines dedicated to "GameMaster" and "Counselor" it will jump two commands in the successive page. a simple fix: change: int last = (int)AccessLevel.Player - 1; for (int i =...
  6. fwiffo

    XmlSpawner new commits I've updated a couple of things out, this can be a replacement to the actually shipped xmlspawner version with servuo - Remember to compile the scripts with the preprocessor directive ServUO or it won't compile correctly. What was done in recent commits...
  7. fwiffo

    Not really new

    But at least I got here too! Oh...and hello!

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