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  1. sircapted

    3x3 matrice

    Utima Online is a 3x3 matrice system (x,y,z) and is obsolete really, we endure its relic state because we are accustomed to it! What if Ultima Online was a 4x4 matrice (x,y,z,w)? Like most modern games Ultima Online could compete again as a state of the art game! Too bad this idea is far fetched...
  2. sircapted

    offending items

    why do i get offending mobiles and items often?
  3. sircapted

    boat control

    on servuo 58 endless journey there is no anchor drop or raise? where can i set this true? and on all shards i have ever been on there is for a boat only the north, south, west and east direction! what happened to ne,se,nw and sw? land is so modern and sea is so like my old atari 2600...
  4. sircapted

    core error

    i finally got ready for vita nex core and i get a object reference not set to an instance of an object. i changed line 70 in script compiler to my .net 8.0.100. and the error list got smaller do i need to go lower on .net? servuo 58 version 0.5 build 8704.3984 .net 8.0.100 client...
  5. sircapted

    gargoyles and elfs

    Having a endless journey shard some regions aare gargoles, so if i add a spawner with bankers they spawn gargoyles. how can i set all lands to no gargoyles and elfes?
  6. sircapted

    spell name error

    using servo58 using classic client never saw it before but lately on cast spell there seems to be an error it says kal or por language string 3002012. the name of the spell shows but this string i cant figure out is it client side or uo scripts? i reckon its trying tell me the...
  7. sircapted


    on grapevines item id is==== public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if((ItemID == 3358 || ItemID == 3363) && Movable == false && m_NextHarvest < DateTime.UtcNow) { from.AddToBackpack(new GrapeBunch())...
  8. sircapted


    servuo 58 endless journey in deftailoring.cs missing containers. no bag or backpack no pouch. just totally forgot leather containers. so much code to write its understsndable lol . thought id mention it.
  9. sircapted

    piratecrew with orcish bodies

    pirate captain is a pirate but pirate crew are orcish creatures... is this proper or a missed script? change item id and name easy fix but thought id enlighten i know earlier servuo's had pirate creatures...
  10. sircapted

    compile!! i say!!

    other than visual which i had been using and was great in learning some scripting, but the time has come that this account went stale, recredentials, blah blah blah, bill is drinking again!!! but visual is a hassle, large data requirements, especially with all the goodies i have no use for...
  11. sircapted

    covid system

    sircapted submitted a new resource: covid system - covid symptoms Read more about this resource...
  12. sircapted


    so i have been modifying scripts from this forum and using them but for emulators and clients and 3rd party software is the general licensing effective? i kind of understand they are not, can i modify the client ,emulator and 3rd party software and redistribute it for the use of my server when...
  13. sircapted

    how do you operate election system

    on election day at start of year went to next election period with no elections and auto pick, no ballot box. how to get it to actually hold a week of voting and have an actual governer and sheriff? something went wrong messing around with it now my loyalty gump looks like this.. how do i fix...
  14. sircapted

    Meta issue with tiledata.mul

    This same servuo copy I got running on laptop , On my PC it will run but on. World creation crashes? On laptop console I got 4 169.254 listening ports On PC console I got only 1? Tried few clients same issues.. tile matrix is off.. It does same for run and Serv with 4.7 netframe on win 7.. 1...
  15. sircapted

    Vendor sell

    Servuo57 If I sell a katana or a repond katana to blacksmith they are both valued at same price.. How do I make responds worth more than regular or exceptional?
  16. sircapted

    Sos and tmaps

    Servuo57 I am having sos and tmaps that don't exist at designated coordinates? I have had success with sos bottles 90 percent of them are true. Tmaps I yet to find a treasure... Any body have success.. Client
  17. sircapted

    Assembly attribute duplicate

    Servuo57 I updated visual and now I get a duplicate error? Duplicate global::system.runtime.versioning. targetframeworkattribute 1610346402 Have 2 files one in release file.. One in debug file 1610348483 Cmd Dotnet --version 5.0.101 1610351468 Post in thread 'Can't complie ServUO despite having...
  18. sircapted

    God powers

    I got my own server. Servuo57 . I'm God.. I can stand amidst dangers and be safe.. but stronger dangers like bosses and those with stronger powers than god, will attack.. just pondered if mobile is stronger he fears not God... It's great to be god of Britannia,
  19. sircapted


    Servuo57 Got it running, been setting up a server with mobiles and vendors that sell what they buy.. Testing the server in game I noticed that Smith vendors basically pay the same for a cheap wep as they do for a good one.. I was just pondering if it possible to make vendor decide value other...
  20. sircapted

    Grapevines not producing fruit

    Servuo57 Can't collect grapes.. ?

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