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  1. ETsCat

    Need pet level deed

    In need a pet leveling system. The old pet level deed is not working right.
  2. ETsCat

    found a resource for map builders

    found a good info page, unfortunately some links are already dead. but worth the read. explains a lot about mul files and other files, also has some good links.
  3. ETsCat

    anyone able to get DeepMinningSystem working?

    using ServUO Repack by LoA 2-11-18 REV 2, and its included 7.0.60 client, want to play around with the deep mining system. have tried to load it and its just a tad to complicated for my brain. need help with it. 1559265868 I found the files, but no instructions
  4. ETsCat

    need help with toolbar for me

    My old school share needs to be brought up to max client. But when I set it up either I crash with Vita-Nex or I don't have a toolbar. why can't the gm toolbar be added without Vita-Nex? my errors with Vita-Nex and no toolbars for gm. 1558983848
  5. ETsCat

    Need help advancing to max client.

    any help will be loved. I get this error on startup. +Mobiles/playermobile.cs: "cs0260: Line 108: Missing partial modifier on declaration of type 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile'; another partial declaration of this type exists" using max client with DeepMiningSystem and OrbRemoteServer...
  6. ETsCat

    Why no houses/cave/dungeon

    sosaria is my map0, all the houses and cave/dungeons are in. Greyhawk is map1, Has no houses or dungeon/caves. Tolore is map2, Has no houses but all openings are in. Arcanus is map3, Is a naked land, no roads or sites for towns. also no cave/dungeons. I recommend everyone that wants custom...
  7. ETsCat

    Missing NPCs or badspawn.txt

    If anyone can help me find the missing files I would be real happy. They are AgentOfTheCrown crazedmage greaterwaterelemental greaterbloodelemental greaterairelemental sirhareus sirberran sirfelean shamegreaterpoisonelemental ExodusJuggernaut ExodusMinionLord DupresChampion DupresKnight...
  8. ETsCat

    Need coller pallet for Paint.

    Loaded paint to draw a new map, have no pallet that works with Dragon.11. Anyone help?
  9. ETsCat

    Talking Signs

    I really need a talking sign that you can add to tell players news other then the news that the regular Signs and Npcs do. I need to set it up with information for new players so that they chose an skill set, and then a race gate. Mabe someone needs to start a Wanted section for scripts.
  10. ETsCat

    Can anyone fix these?

    It is the old Angle and Demon wings, but the files needed to make them work oar not available anymore.
  11. ETsCat

    Still having trouble with Ultima Live.

    I tried for 6 months to get Ultima live to work. No chance. Also what is the last stable client before UOP and what patch is best. Can you or anybody get that for Me. And a fresh Ultima Live or The servo with it would make my life easier. I lost a lot of my Programming Know how with my last...
  12. ETsCat

    Need help blending 2 different Systems

    Trying to setup the Monster Nests,Don't know who Created this. with the Western Orcs, Created by Seraph035. Anyone ever try to use these systems together. Also on a slightly different twist. Need to set up a Random Spawn system. So that I can add the nests,and other stuff randomly.
  13. ETsCat

    Looking for the JPG of the large 3 color map.

    Mine is corrupt and I need to print another one. The name was UltUoMap.jpg. I was given it buy a member of osi. and still have the letter saying I can get it copied.
  14. ETsCat

    Need to Find The ULtUoMap.JPG

    This is a Large (3' x 4' ) color map. My copy is corrupted.
  15. ETsCat

    Looking for missing XMLs

    I have been getting a lot of XML Errors. and have found that ALL the releases so far are missing these Xml files:: Does anyone have the Xmls for these Termur places. cavernofthediscarded clanscratch coraldesert crimsonveins enslavedgoblins fireislandruins fracturedcity landsofthelich...
  16. ETsCat

    Crimson Death

    Having a small problem with this script, basically mine with the loot totally designed by me. I get a line 12 Identifier expected error and line 307 }expected error. but these look right so whats wrong? Have rewritten it several times and still don't think I see anything bad.
  17. ETsCat

    Confused Newbee?

    OK , so I'm not a newbee, but with all the medical problems I have had I may as well be. I D/Led the Servuo, put my Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic Patched to 30, in it and I compiled with win. I have Net 4.0 . I get a lot of unsafe messages but it does compile.Am I doing it right? Have not...

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