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  1. Po0ka

    Aww, runuo down

    Issues right there xD
  2. Po0ka

    Average age of the whole community

    I was just curious, anybody knows the real average age for the members of the community? Each time i visit and check the birthday section, mostly everybody is at 30-40. Any fictive bets? :D I'd say 36 :P
  3. Po0ka

    Transformation idols

    Po0ka submitted a new resource: Transformation idols - You can use those idols to transform into monsters and animals at wish. Read more about this resource...
  4. Po0ka

    Several .NET questions

    Hello, i have some questions regarding the .NET version i use. At this moment, and since i started with RunUO, i had the version: 2.0.50727 which in my opinion is not up to date compared to 4.x, here are some questions i was wondering: 1: If i'd use VS to change the .net version, what would it...
  5. Po0ka

    0 notifications

    It seems like the top right notification is broken. When i navigated to the forum it was at "6", then it mysteriously turned to "0"... That's not the first time it happens, and it seems to happen since the last changes made to the forums. here's a screenshot:
  6. Po0ka

    [C++] Decompiling a .mul to a .bmp file

    I have some trouble generating the corresponding image to the BMP format. The image is displayable but highly distorted for an unknown reason. Here is a rescaled example: So anyone that masters C++ and has already worked with...
  7. Po0ka

    When i mess with UO

    I obviously messed up something...
  8. Po0ka

    Creating an assistant

    I'm willing to create my own assistant, anybody know about any open source ones so i can pick a look? I'm a total noob at packets and coded-network. Thanks. Edit: found this: but i'm not sure if it stills "applies" (as in trustworty (as in Stuff.cs)).
  9. Po0ka

    Deserialize type

    I am trying to deserialize a "Type" value from a serialized class, but in the core i have there are no Type for GenericReader. Only these: public abstract string ReadString(); public abstract DateTime ReadDateTime(); public abstract TimeSpan ReadTimeSpan(); public abstract DateTime...
  10. Po0ka

    Serializing collection

    I basically just need advices on how to serialize/deserialize a collection the right way. Theorically i have an ArrayList<StuffClass>, it contains some "StuffClass" that i add/modify/delete from the list (easy stuffs). The hard stuffs is when i want to serialize it. My StuffClass contains: one...
  11. Po0ka

    Forum footer

    What does that mean?
  12. Po0ka

    Always ASCII like...

    Anybody knows how to send back a private hued line of non-ASCII text over a clicked item to one person? All i can get to work is ASCII text, labelto (with no color), and publicoverhead which is public to everybody... Even if i selected MessageType.Regular or .Label, it stills grayish like the...
  13. Po0ka

    Does it already exists? Making a mobile cast fireball to a predefined target just in one line. I'm not sure if something similar was added to the core of servuo, but if not this could be an interesting feature. Utility: npcs...
  14. Po0ka

    Water problem

    I have a problem related to the trammel map, i changed it to my wishes, but i see something wrong with the water transition not being where i want. here is an example in one of my dungeons: As my map is a perfect water square (and not like OSI trammel map with a bigger width), it shows me this...
  15. Po0ka

    Creating a map editing software

    Hello, i would wish to know how to create a mapping software, ie: load/save map and what type of data is in those files so i can mess a bit. I have no idea how to start one :c
  16. Po0ka

    Freezing statics

    Here is what i am doing. I added statics in game, and i want to freeze them on the map's files. Then to avoid messing i copy-pasted my server files in a new folder that i use with my client so i can freeze/unfreeze. But this keep telling me i am using the same files as the server... Which is...
  17. Po0ka

    Facet swap [CentrED]

    I am working with the regular centrED, and i wish to copy over the work i have done over another facet, but i have no idea how i would be able to even do that. Any ideas?
  18. Po0ka

    Forum speed

    Not trying to be mean here, but am i the only one experiencing slowness when navigating from a page to another or opening menus? Editing a post when i only have 1 min to edit one is making me angry when it elapses before i start writing xD Just curious if it's only me.
  19. Po0ka

    I'm pooka01. That's pretty much it. hi. lol

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