Search results

  1. Fireball

    How to use the Condition line in XmlQuestNPC

    Hi I'm having trouble with this! I've used these NPCs for many quests but never needed to use the Condition field before. I've read through the tutorials and tried the curly braces in different positions with no change. I'm trying to get the NPC to respond to players who have base cooking...
  2. Fireball

    keyboard entry with pause for completion

    Hi, Is it possible to have a string entered in code, while pausing execution until enter is pressed, without using a gump? I supposed I could keep checking the variable until it is not null, and then continue, but that is a bit clunky. Is there a proper way of doing it? I'm guessing not, but...
  3. Fireball


    Can anyone please tell me where the range is defined for PlayerRangeSensitive? And is there a timer involved in this somewhere? eg. If a player runs away from a mob to the cut-off range, does the mob freeze immediately or does it carry on doing its thing for a number of seconds? If so where is...
  4. Fireball

    Boat Addon

    Hi, I'm using RunUO. I'm making an addon for ships. The problem is that it has two components and when the ship moves the components move at 2 x the ship speed, so for example if I move one left the components move 2 tiles left. I've noticed this with house addons too. If you have an addon...
  5. Fireball

    Closing bags

    I've been meaning to ask this for a long time! Does anyone know if it is possible to stop your bags closing when you change facets? I know in the old days when we had server boundaries they would close then too but thankfully we don't have to suffer that anymore! Is this something that can be...
  6. Fireball

    How to reset a quest?

    Is there some way to reset a quest on a player? I have found that the quest to get into Gauntlet got bugged when one of my staff placed a "SummoningAltar" for deco in an event instead of an abbatoir. So Victoria, the quest giver for the golden skull, took your 1000 daemon bones and summoned...
  7. Fireball

    New seats don't let you sit on them

    I've added the valentine's chair with the heart on the backs. Items 0xA05C to 0xA05F These flip properly and everything, but when you go to sit on them you just stand in them rather than sitting on them. Does anyone know where this is defined as being a seat or whatever is needed to make the...
  8. Fireball

    null crash on load BaseHouse

    Hi, I'm running RunUO 2.4 with mods. I've added emailing players if one of their houses becomes greatly worn to remind them to refresh. That works OK, but if a house gets to that decay level and the email is sent, then the next time I restart the server it throws a null exception on world load...
  9. Fireball

    BodyValue shows different animations in different eras

    Hi, I'm looking for the place where body changes happen for different client versions and eras. I am currently set at UOR I've been running client version 6.x.x.x for over a year now and I'm looking to move to 7.x.x.x but this has brought some problems with several creatures not showing the...
  10. Fireball

    multi.mul file editor

    I've been using UO Client 6.x.x.x for a year now after moving on from I have used both UO Fiddler 4.6 and Mulpatcher to add custom houses and re-save the Multi.mul and Multi.idx files. No problems at all. However, I am now looking at moving on again to UO Client version which...
  11. Fireball

    Corpse looting rights

    Hi, I have been trying to allow members of the same guild to loot each other's kills without getting criminal flagged. It works with this mod, but every now and then the server crashes and I'm not sure why. At first it was caused when a monster rummaged a corpse so I added a check for...
  12. Fireball

    Vendor discounts

    Hi guys, I wonder if you could please help me with applying NPC guild discounts to vendor items? I've got this working, but only on the second "vendor buy" command. My WriteLine debugging shows that on the first pass "pm" is null, meaning there is no focus mob yet, and no discount is shown...
  13. Fireball

    Mythic Character Token

    Hi, I'm using the Mythic Character Token script which I downloaded from somewhere, probably - I don't know who wrote it I'm afraid. Anyway, this item is as per OSI and allows a new character to set 5 skills to 90.0 base and stats to max (225 statcap, 100,100,25 for my shard) I have...
  14. Fireball

    Gate travel script

    Hi guys, I have made some mods to my shard which prevent people who are not house friends from marking runes in, recalling into or casting gate into house courtyards. This is currently working fine. I now need to bounce people who walk into a gate which a house friend has opened into a...
  15. Fireball

    Detect Hidden on trapped containers

    Hi, I am trying to modify Detect Hidden to reveal trapped containers and display [Trapped] above the found trapped containers in the appropriate colour as per OSI. I want this to require 50 skill to work with 100 being flawless. Initially I got it to display [trapped] but this appears at the...
  16. Fireball

    Some help please with enums!

    I am a bit stuck with passing enums. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm ripping my hair out :) I have a UOR/T2A mix shard. I am tackling the problem of not having lockable internal house doors with separate locks and keys/type of key and I have done the following: House doors have new...
  17. Fireball

    How to create deed-placeable custom houses

    Tools you will need... Pandora's Box UO Architect UO Fiddler Mulpatcher or I think there is a MUL exporter plug-in for UO Fiddler but I have not tried that. Create a building using manual placement of static objects in GreenAcres and also the very useful tool Pandora's Box. Save the building...
  18. Fireball

    House locks/keys problems

    Hi, I'm using RunUO 2.4 but this seems to use the same script throughout flavours of UO servers. When demolishing a house, only the first key (the front door key) is deleted. I've searched for help on this but the only solution I found does not seem to work for me. The one key is deleted from...
  19. Fireball

    Gold stacking

    Hi, I have a gold stacking issue. If I have a stack of 40000 gold and drop another 30000 gold onto it I would expect it to make one stack of 60000 gold and a new stack of 10000. For some reason it does not do this but just drops the 30K to a new stack. It also does this with wooden boards so I...
  20. Fireball

    Harvesting and system message help

    Hi, When harvesting with a Razor Macro, the out of resource message, for example "There is not enough wood here to harvest" does not get picked up as a SysMsg by Razor (I just use the word "enough" when playing on UOSA which works fine, but on UO Ren and on my own shard this does not work). It...

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