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  1. Gargoyle gear still dropping as loot

    well going through mine i can spawn things under the ML expansion and they wont drop garg items. OP can you provide the Loot.cs and is this the latest Servuo build? As i want to make sure i didnt tinker with anything. (Mine is quite modified) Also where did you set the Expansion? Did you do...
  2. Gargoyle gear still dropping as loot

    I will jump on later, around 8 hrs from now. I will have a look. I went through a lot of the loot system, so i reckon i can help ya out.
  3. Can you cast Targeted into Basecreature?

    if (targeted is Dragon && bc.ControlMaster == player) { bc = (BaseCreature)targeted; player.SendMessage("You have selected a Dragon"); bc.RawStr = test; } This bc should be correct, but for us to detect anymore we will need the full script and the crash log in the ServUO directory...
  4. First time - Changing trammel/felucca to same gametime?

    actually just rereading it you only wanted felucca and trammel synced correct? this will sync all but this following will only sync fell and tram (not the others). public static MoonPhase GetMoonPhase(Map map, int x, int y) { int hours, minutes, totalMinutes...
  5. First time - Changing trammel/felucca to same gametime?

    well if theyre set specifically i dont see how it would change them. all we did here was sync all the clocks to 1 time. i could be wrong. wouldnt each facets clock regulate each spawner? E.G. if a spawner is set at TOD of 12:00 am - 5:00 am and placed in both felucca and trammel. trammel time...
  6. First time - Changing trammel/felucca to same gametime?

    yes i just left it in there just in case. :)
  7. First time - Changing trammel/felucca to same gametime?

    just came on and had a quick look and tested it. anything with "map.MapIndex" in the calculating i replaced with 1. that makes all time sync together as 1. i guess because theyre different realms/warps they would have different times. but this does the trick. :) public static...
  8. that moment you realise how bad your O.C.D. is... :P

    that moment you realise how bad your O.C.D. is... :P
  9. When you think you deserialized your object properly and spend the next 30mins rectifying...

    When you think you deserialized your object properly and spend the next 30mins rectifying... then find that you didn't fix/add goto's.. :'(
  10. Weapon Abilities on items with a non-weapon ItemID

    this look interesting. i might give it a crack! thank you for taking your time with this! for me that makes it even better! the possibility to add multiple to certain weapons, would make it quite interesting. :)
  11. Weapon Abilities on items with a non-weapon ItemID

    i suppose it wouldnt be too bad, all you'd have to do is give people a client patch. i did want to change some weapons abilities. so i guess its better then nothing!!
  12. Weapon Abilities on items with a non-weapon ItemID

    dang i hope not!! :( i was thinking it was more hardcoded in the client but i really hope it isnt...
  13. And the more you learn the more ideas you gain... is this a curse!?!

    And the more you learn the more ideas you gain... is this a curse!?!
  14. Weapon Abilities on items with a non-weapon ItemID

    yeah i ran into this a while back (when i was reworking weapons) and i couldn't for the life of me figure this one out. if i have some time this weekend i will also give a crack to find a solution! because i would be very interested in this!
  15. RunicReforging.cs Tables (DCI, HCI, etc...)

    Ah cheers! I am now wiser!
  16. That moment when you finally figured something out... it feels sooo good!! XD

    That moment when you finally figured something out... it feels sooo good!! XD
  17. RunicReforging.cs Tables (DCI, HCI, etc...)

    public static int[][] DexIntTable = new int[][] { new int[] { 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 }, new int[] { 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }, new int[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }, new int[] { 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }, new int[] { 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 }...
  18. HS Galleons hull not loading when spawned...

    Ah... well there you go, i just learnt something!! I will get rid of that @ and give it a crack. The weird thing is that before it wasn't stating a "Restricting Client version to..." in the ServUO.EXE Cmd box. Could that mean it was haphazardly picking from different directories, the files it...
  19. HS Galleons hull not loading when spawned...

    Update: Now that i'm home, i tried the repo (that I merged all my changes to, from the first post) again, but this made the Hull not show (its not that it wasn't spawning) again. So i went into the DataPath.cfg did true on the: # Uncomment this line and set it to the path of the client files to...
  20. Buying from a vendor overweight, go to bank instead of feet

    private void ProcessValidPurchase(int amount, IBuyItemInfo bii, Mobile buyer, Container cont) { if (amount > bii.Amount) { amount = bii.Amount; } if (amount < 1) { return; }...

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