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  1. Boss

    Pandoras box? or centred

    Is there a working version of something you can edit the map with, and decorate easily like the old pandoras box? thanks in advance
  2. Boss

    necro forms and spells

    Well wraith form does not leech mana, and vampire form does not leech life curse weapon does not leech life, blood oath in general not working
  3. Boss

    necro forms and spells

    Anyone able to help me figure out how to make the necro leech forms work along with blood oath and curse weapon? on UOR
  4. Boss

    Tithing points

    How do i get my tithin points to show in the book under UOR expansion with it enabled
  5. Boss

    Context menus?

    When i turn on context menus in the expansion, my spells inside the spellbooks disapear anyone know a fix
  6. Boss

    Looking for help

    Looking for a little help on modifying some stuff that i cant seem to figure out. Most of it was pretty simple that i remember, please inbox me
  7. Boss

    old style graphics to new style graphics?

    So I forget where and what line it is to make the old style graphics change to the updated graphics, such as my skeletal dragon looks like a golden dragon, my mummy looks like a blue zombie. How do i fix this so the mummies look like mummies and the rest of the old style graphics update to look...
  8. Boss

    Kingdom of Britannia

    Just finished this up today. Still looking for help.
  9. Boss

    Kingdom of Britannia

    Player population increasing, The early settlers event is over, we will start our first house raffles soon!.
  10. Boss

    Kingdom of Britannia

    Many updates, for thieves, new spells Picking up population fast
  11. Boss

    Kingdom of Britannia

    Still looking for in game staff
  12. Boss

    weapon abilities book

    I have no book with it set to expansion none
  13. Boss

    weapon abilities book

    Where do i enable /disable the weapon abilities book?
  14. Boss

    Mount ability does not reset

  15. Boss

    How do i make different mounted ID from normal animation?

    : base(name, 000,0000 , AIType.AI_Animal, FightMode.Aggressor, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) { //this.BaseSoundID = 0xA8; this.SetStr(400); this.SetDex(125); this.SetInt(50, 55); this.SetHits(240); this.SetMana(0)...
  16. Boss

    Kingdom of Britannia 2593 Kingdom of Britannia is looking for a team for a "new renaissance era" shard with a few tweaks, and some small custom systems. Spells & skills are tweaked a bit, with the allowance of certain spells to be used, for more...
  17. Boss

    How do I add skills to pre aos item

    MM but wouldnt that disallow the regular old settings then? ie force would not be force but would be a + 30%
  18. Boss

    Mount ability does not reset

    and Both the unicorn and kirin will not use thier abilities they are stuck at 1/1/0001 12 am
  19. Boss

    How do I add skills to pre aos item

    [Constructable] public ITEM() { this.SkillBonuses.SetValues(0, SkillName.Magery, 10.0); } How do i make this apply to pre aos, It works for stats like IntBonus = 5; But i dont know how to get it to give skilsl in pre aos

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