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  1. Voodooburst

    Cursed Robe with Client

    It can be also a graphic problem. Client do not read black and white. If an anim is completely white or completely black [or just a part of it], you see through like a glass
  2. Voodooburst

    Cursed Robe with Client

    The export in .vd file of the animation from Uofiddler
  3. Voodooburst

    Cursed Robe with Client

    can i have the .vd file?
  4. Voodooburst

    Texterr.def: How to use it?

    Hi, I've been having trouble with some tile types for a while now. Let me explain: these tiles when they are at Z = 0 are displayed correctly in the client, when they are tilted [for example to reproduce an uneven terrain], they are displayed as a completely black tile or they are converted into...

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