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  1. Po0ka

    Unknown name for players

    No idea.
  2. Po0ka

    Interoperability standard

    If you want to make such a service, go ahead, try it out, it's a good way to learn and certainly worth a try. However, keep in mind that not only you can't force shard owners to put their shards on it, but you also have to attract people to use it. Then the same game as with shard owners start...
  3. Po0ka

    Who / how decides who to fight?

    You can also toy around with IsEnemy, check Savage.cs
  4. Po0ka

    Client overlay

    Here's some ideas: * Put a "hueoverride" on yourself, that way you will know you are on the dev one. * You can also see the server name on the top left, the title of the window shows that information - just put "dev" on your server name in the configuration. * You could also send a global...
  5. Po0ka

    Thoughts on Haven

    Also make edits to the "Physically Stuck" help option.
  6. Po0ka

    Referecing Mobil (Storage Key)

    Thanks to refer to what i said as crap, Good luck in your future endeavors.
  7. Po0ka

    Referecing Mobil (Storage Key)

    I'm not yelling at you. I'm not digging your past out. Yes, i'm trying to teach you a lesson so you can be a bit more expressive instead of simply fleeing conflictual situations. I guess i will stop if you don't want to get any help.
  8. Po0ka

    Referecing Mobil (Storage Key)

    I know you back from RunUO, I have my reasons to not appreciate you, surely i am not the only one. Rest assured, I don't have any ill intentions towards you, i would have helped you if you didn't make a politics related remark and spit on his help. Let me explain how i've seen this conversation...
  9. Po0ka

    Referecing Mobil (Storage Key)

    Ofc, ofc, surely it has to do with being liberal... Pyro sent you everything you need to get it to work, do your part. Good luck with the rest.
  10. Po0ka

    Character keeps going hidden?

    If you are a staff member, once you are hidden, you remain hidden until you do [unhide.
  11. Po0ka

    Modified humanoid monster to be tameable....and help

    Sorry, i missed that function: public override bool AllowEquipFrom( Mobile from ) { if (ControlMaster != null && ControlMaster == from) return true; else if (from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster) return true; else...
  12. Po0ka

    Modified humanoid monster to be tameable....and help

    Ohhh i see what you mean now... Here is some code: public override bool IsSnoop( Mobile from ) { if ( PackAnimal.CheckAccess( this, from ) ) return false; return base.IsSnoop( from ); } public override bool OnDragDrop( Mobile...
  13. Po0ka

    Modified humanoid monster to be tameable....and help

    Make them human and override a BodyMod on them. See how transformation spells do that trick and experiment.
  14. Po0ka

    ServUo repo

    Tweak the Config settings, then clear the world upon arrival if it doesn't fit your needs. Some quests may spawnthings automatically, if you see one that could be improved or placed as a setting, then do not hesitate to contribute and fix it.
  15. Po0ka

    ServUo repo

    Some things are static because they can be edited from elsewhere during runtime. If you see something not following the initial standard, perhaps you could make edits and push them to the repo
  16. Po0ka

    Double Click/Gate

    If you do so, make sure it's not dispellable.
  17. Po0ka

    Displaying a list of players in a Gump inside a party?

    Mobile.cs has a "Party" property, with which you can obtain the party the player is linked to. From there, you can extract the list of members using the "Members" property, it consists of a list of "PartyMemberInfo". If you look at "PartyMemberInfo", it holds a "Mobile" property. For extra...
  18. Po0ka

    Storage keys

    It would be easier for us if you explained what didn't work as expected :P Any error messages? Loss of resources? Item not reacting? Server crashing?
  19. Po0ka

    Looking For Advice

    Your client doesn't have the right files. The server files return the "hidden" tiles when you unfreeze, because it uses the right client files. But your client doesn't see them, as either you didn't send the files to the right place, or you sent the wrong files. What map is it?
  20. Po0ka

    Looking For Advice

    I don't know, i never crashed due to too much statics, and almost all my map and all my dungeons are made of static items, never once crashed. The only case i can see crashing hard is overusing particle effects, that can be nefast and lead to crash if the window is left unattended for too long...

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