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  1. VonWolvesbane

    Squire System, Added Bushido and Necro Spells

    57.1 it seems
  2. VonWolvesbane

    Squire System, Added Bushido and Necro Spells

    I have pub57
  3. VonWolvesbane

    Squire System, Added Bushido and Necro Spells

    Getting this in the ServUO console when Squire tries to cast Chiv spells
  4. VonWolvesbane

    UO Architect 2.7.# Installation Steps for ServUO - 57 to Current (7/2021)

    I did just add the “, true” was I supposed to do it differently?
  5. VonWolvesbane

    UO Architect 2.7.# Installation Steps for ServUO - 57 to Current (7/2021)

    I did all of this and it compiles fine. However, I cannot connect. It's not a port issue because I have loaded my old server, and I can connect to that no issue. What could be the issue? Anyone have ideas?
  6. VonWolvesbane

    XML Spawn on Duplicate "Custom" Map

    Solved it! Thanks!
  7. VonWolvesbane

    XML Spawn on Duplicate "Custom" Map

    I created a copy of Fel as a "custom" map. I also was trying to copy the spawn. I took the xml spawn file, copied it, and replaced all the felucca with the custom map name, but when I used the [xmlload Spawns it loads felucca, then when it loads the custom map, it unloads the felucca map, and...

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