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  1. Server holding on to a disconnected client?

    Intersting. Im running it in a CLI version of ubuntu in a sceen instance. Possibly the screen instance playing havoc. I view these symptoms through an ssh terminal. My server however has 4 CPU's and 8gb's of ram so i dont think its a power issue. Its just funny tho since it only happens when my...
  2. Server holding on to a disconnected client?

    Understood. and thanks for your reply. My problem seems to last longer than 90 seconds. The server also doesn't allow me to log back in. when i then SSH the server it goes from a frozen state to spamming the screen with everything its done in the last 5-10 minutes.
  3. Server holding on to a disconnected client?

    My server seems to hold onto my clients when they drop out due to local internet interruptions. I'm currently using CrossUO when it happens. Any thoughts or experience with this issue? Thanks.
  4. Compiles, Logs in but crashed when [add

    I have ServUO running on my local machine fine. Iv just set up a VPS and am having this issue. Is it some kind of permission problem or am i missing something? Help would be much appreciated. Got it! i was missing "zlib1g-dev" package. Facepalm*
  5. Help adding a timer in-between emotes to stop spam. Please.

    Here is the fixed version with a time delay to prevent players from spamming emotes. Original scrip author: CMonkey123 Fix implementation: MrRiots
  6. Help adding a timer in-between emotes to stop spam. Please.

    Got it working. Your a legend. Thank you.
  7. Help adding a timer in-between emotes to stop spam. Please.

    Hey guys i have spent a few hours on this myself but i'm just not that great with C# at this stage. If someone could please help me add a timer in between emotes to stop players being able to spam them. Any help would be much appreciated. Here is the script. I also included it as an attachment.
  8. Pandora's Box 2 or

    I just wanted to add to this post that the language selection box sometimes loads BEHIND the loading logo. Alt TAB to bring it to the surface.
  9. MaxBaseBudget & MaxAdjustedBudget?

    MaxBaseBudget & MaxAdjustedBudget, what do these affect and how do they work exactly? These properties are in the Loot Config file.
  10. Quick Location Help

    Hey guys, im struggling to find the call method for both the "Chat" and "Global Chat" gumps. These buttons are located up on the top toolbar. I have tryed to desable the built in chat system but when i click these buttons the gumps still display. Instead of gumps i want to add a disabled messege...
  11. Help with Email system.

    can i have a link to your script please?
  12. Help with Email system.

    Can anyone help?
  13. Help with Email system.

    Hey guys i am just a bit confused as to how to configure this script properly. If you could guide me in to what exactly to fill in up the top that would be much help.

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