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  1. NPC for solo shard

    Ill try, ty very much =D
  2. NPC for solo shard

    Im already questioned this, i know, but was in a such time ago. This is reallity yet? I like to play on my own shard (sometimes AOS, sometimes ML) anyways, someone created a "bot" script or something?
  3. Elemental Resistances cap

    Where can i modify elemental resistance caps?
  4. ToT drop

    Ty very much =D
  5. ToT drop

    Where can i edit ToT's drop rates?
  6. Individual skills for existed chars

    I know its possíble change the individual skills caps by confs for the New characters. But how can i do that for already created toons?
  7. Doom drop rates

    Ty =D
  8. Doom drop rates

    Where can i check doom arties drop rate? Checked demonknight.cs, couldt found the lines
  9. A custom script for npcbots?

    Ty, ill take a look on it, ill try to put on it on my personal shard. Haha. But serious, maybe its possible to script it xD
  10. A custom script for npcbots?

    What is that? NPC that act, sonehow, like players, running around, killing stuff, etc... This custom script is a thing? BtW, for serverUO 57
  11. Problem with pre-aos Craft

    Hi there, so, my runics toools sandly are kidda..... broken? Before i change baseweapon and basearmor.cs core.aos to core.uor lines isnt working even material (no matter what material wasant using, was crafting by normal material). After that, nothing change on armors, weapons works on colors...
  12. Changing Pre Aos Bod Delay

    Maybe the problem is the cached number, maybe ill need a custom script for that, dunno, ill make some tries, ty for help =D
  13. Changing Pre Aos Bod Delay

    Its only Works if i enable TOL points system, whats make me belives it have other line to control legacy delay, but i couldt find it =(
  14. Changing Pre Aos Bod Delay

    Ty. But if i do that, it will enable all the new point system, right? I wanna to stay on the legacy system, only change the bod delay, sandly changing the line #32 wont work =(
  15. Changing Pre Aos Bod Delay

    Bods were on pre aos xD. Well, anyways, Serveruo have a default bod system for Pre-aos expansion (on publish 57), delay time is 4 hour for GM skilled, on this legacy version havent cached bods, so change that number simple wont work. And i couldt find where is the default four hour legacy system =/
  16. Changing Pre Aos Bod Delay

    Where i need to go to change it? I tried to do it on BulkOrdersystem.cs, but wasant work =(
  17. Pre-aos Repack with single player features?

    It is a thing? Ofc i dont expect such thing like "uo ruins and riches", but only a few features that make solo gameplay enjoyable, with any pre-aos era, and, ofc, original map.
  18. Single player Core

    Sounds sweet =D. What emulator r u using for this AI? Can you share?
  19. Single player Core

    Got it. Im looking for a script to make some bots it place vendor, buy itens, sell itens, kill mobs, etc. I know is something hard, but who knows xD If this is possible, will be nice for me =D
  20. Single player Core

    Is the ideia, but im not sure if is bot scripts. Do u know if it is a thing?

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