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  1. [Skill command

    +Colibri submitted a new resource: [Skill command - Invokes a skill, like clicking the blue gem in the skill list Read more about this resource...
  2. [Skill command 1.0

    Invokes skill, same as clicking the blue gem in the skill list, but with a command. Some commands also have an alias, e.g. "disco", "discord", "discordance" or "hide", "hiding".
  3. UO Gateway Status

    Hooray, back online :)
  4. UO Gateway Status

    I see you're planning to relaunch - awesome and wishing you good luck with it :) Btw I dont know if you'll try multiple sites at once, or just uogateway for now, but I would recommend hosting somewhere so you can isolate each of the sites. A cpanel-based service can be quite cheap (but usually...
  5. Items and systems that open a website from within the game world

    Hey, old thread, but this has been bugging me and others on Excelsior. We use client 5.0.9, and we have a few scripts that in a way almost rely on this working correctly. Just found a fix for this issue. It seems that the Client doesn't use the common way to launch the default browser, which...

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