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  1. Velicious

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Probably all necro but.. is there an actual version of it for Pub 57 that is not behind a forum link that tells: The forum is currently down for scheduled backups, please try again later. Does it still exist?
  2. Velicious

    Do you want to build a snow wooooorld?

    Do you want to build a snow wooooorld?
  3. Velicious

    UO Black Box

    Thank you for the swift responses, Wilson! That is really wonderful. I will also try to help in any possible way. One little question, though. I am actually using the because I've read that with, Broadsword came in and changed plenty of file things. I've read so many different...
  4. Velicious

    UO Black Box

    Ok, I get the idea - while I also apologize! The last time I did such things was in 2004.. XD My problem is that I also don't see the rest of the gump art. I compiled, rebuild art with the command, even cleared other scripts to see if there are problems. I figured one thing though and that is...
  5. Velicious

    UO Black Box

    I might be late to the party, but having an issue. Sorry! So far, the BlackBox seems to work - partly - because its not loading the gump art, maps and co. What I have done: - Placed content of folder into scripts/services - Since I am running ServUO pub57 (cloned from github), I extracted the...

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