A Mondain's Legacy UO Shard, enhanced with modern conveniences from later eras, including vendor search, full buff icons, faction artifacts, global chat and more. By Reetus, the creator of the ClassicAssist assistant for ClassicUO, and Demise Search |
Experience Ultima Online in a whole new way! Enhanced loot and rewards, super-fast spawning, quality of life improvements, and new player benefits. Play today and experience all that Insane UO has to offer! Insane UO takes modern UO and makes it crazy! Crazy awesome, that is! Our focus is to get you up and running quickly so you can enjoy the content you love. And more than that, we want to reward you for doing the content you enjoy most, whether it’s Champion Spawns, Peerless bosses, Crafting, or just hunting monsters! While this is primarily a PvM/PvE server, consensual PvP is allowed via Guild wars and the arenas! And best of all, everything is Free to Play, not Pay to Win. |
Great Community of Players. Unique and Exclusive Content: 5 New Facets, Evo pets and items, Crafting Systems, Challenge Rifts (seasonal), New Spells (elemental magi), Spell maker, Quest maker, Automated and Staff Run Events, Training Areas, Automated Guilds, Professions, Crafter's Paradise, Hundreds of New quests, New Player and Gargoyle Friendly. Live the adventure and become a Legend! |
UO: Felucca is a free to play Ultima Online custom shard. The shard uses pre-AoS mechanics for excellent PvP but also utilises later game content for a enhanced PvM & crafting experience. Every character starts with a skill & stat ball so you can dive in and start to play the game we love right away! The "grind" here, is to get from grandmaster to legendary skills in their chosen character template. Legendary skills are available for taming, bard & crafting skills. The threat of being found, murdered & looted by other players at any moment outside of guarded towns & cities brings players back to the greatest era of UO gameplay where only your skill and experience will allow you to succeed. PvP duel system & regular tournaments offer rewards for participating players. A bounty system and old school faction system are also available for all players wanting to get in the fight! Evo pets and pet levelling give more for PvM players to work towards, fight and defeat dungeon and exodus bosses to claim rare gems that enhance your pets even further with buffs such as poison immunity & bonus gold loot. Holiday events, private farming instances, exodus gates & town invasions add late game PvM content to offer a completely unique gaming experience. This is a world where every dungeon, every boss and every holiday event has its own rare HUEs and loot so anywhere you go there are great treasures waiting to be found! Thieves may also steal certain rare items from creatures across Felucca. Updated crafting system offers far more than ever before! Legendary skills for all crafting skills and an updated bulk order system allow players to craft many house & pirate ship addons. The pirate system is designed to give players a new UO experience where you can attack or defend trade ships or search out sunken galleys laden with treasure! A friendly community awaits, feel free to join the Discord group. Welcome to UO: Felucca! What will you become? |
UO Welcome Home has been out of closed beta for a month now. Join us for a unique PvE experience, with new bosses, new pets, new artifacts, & new adventures. A server where the community helps shape the game they play! All cast in a familiar but ever changing world. A Get Started Video made by one of our players! More Videos at Gymnastic Goldfish's Youtube Channel “Welcome Home” is modern UO with a custom twist. We focus on PVE content, if you want to PvP you will have to make a guild and goto war! You will need to download our client as we make changes to the map, there is no install, just download, extract and point your favorite launcher at it, It works with Steam, Razor & ClassicUO. You can find links to our client in our Discord. You will start with a 5x 100 Skill Ball, and 3 +100 stat balls. Starter Gold and lots of other goodies. (One Per Account) We allow 3 accounts, with 5 houses per account. You can raise all stats to 125 Normally for a total of 375 stat points, after that you will need gear to reach the cap of 600. Items with Skill Bonuses will push you over cap, and skill gain is set to the max speed possible. This server is designed to keep you grinding on content, and not on skills. We have a training room, and starter quests all over New Haven Island designed to gear you up and get you into the action much faster than most shards! This is not your traditional style of UO, this server will make you reconsider your play-style, with a skill cap of 1220 total and almost 100 new artifacts with skill bonuses, your choices are limitless! Looking for new Adventures?? We specialize in new stuff to do, dungeoneers will find a new Tier of bosses to challenge, in new and revamped dungeons, along with a new Tier of gear to collect, delve deep into our new crafting systems, like camping, rituals, & advanced weapon crafting. With more crafting systems on the way. You will also find achievements & repeatable quests that reward store currency, so everyone gets to enjoy the perks of the UO store and the Moonstone Menagerie! Which is your haven for quality of life items to enhance your gameplay! There is so much stuff to do that I cant list it all here. Come give us a try, we have a welcoming community of helpful players, We are still a small community, but we are growing daily! Welcome Home Sosarians! |
Beyond its old greek meaning, “CALYPSO” is here a server for a multiplayer futuristic game, free to play, based on “Ultima Online” … Futuristic? yes, because it is in the future of course, but let’s be precise. This is a “cross-over” style: a mix between science-fiction and middle-age fantasy. Although in-game things will appear in French, we are setting up effort to translate it in english. All the website is already translated in English. In order to learn more about it, you can read the STORY as an introduction. And, if you are too curious to play the introduction, you may also read the page “…More about the game…“. However I recommand to start playing without reading it, just for your fun. For the rookies of “Ultima Online“, this server uses a unique customized map. All is rethinked, reprogrammed, even redrawn: compétences, difficulties, “gameplay”, bestiary, systems… We even to to the possibility to provide the player to endorse a Game Master role with some restriction of course, to help n the autonomy of this server. ![]() ---==STORY==--- Earth, year 2297.Polution is killing the entire humanity. After the discovery of a new plante on which human can live, nammed CALYPSO, the World government launches a last attempt for the survival of humanity, launching an interstellar program. CALYPSO is a planetr which seems to be able to host humans, according to the data retrieved from the cosmo-scopes. Creating a similar ecosystem with plants and aniùals seems doable. Although it is at 18 light-years, a travel through a worm hole would spend 70 yeards. o THE ROBOTS CONVEY, UNMANNED: 2315 With the new technologies, the company “Nuka”, mandated by the government, sends a huge convey of robots on the largest moon of CALYPSO in order to prepare a transit station to the planete. Due to the distance, it is impossible to have any communication with this station from Earth. Only the talent of the engineers of the “Nuka” company can bring the hope that the transit station setup has been successful. o THE “FIRST WAVE”, WITH HUMANS: 2330 Few years before the beginning of this story, a loto game is launched by the World government to select people able to leave Earth and travel to Calypso. More than 1342 interstellar shuttles with women and men are sent through the worm hole to reach the transit station on the second moon of Calypso. Each shuttle have 2 persons in cryogenic hibernation.… o THE “SECOND WAVE”, WITH HUMANS: 2345 (present story year) It’s only after 15 years that a second wave and loto game is organized for the last convey to the transit moon. Congratulations! You have wan the game! You are arrived to the Earth orbital station to prepare your travel to the moon of Calypso during 70 years. Your “new life” is about to begin! HERE STARTS YOUR GAME! |
Hosted on a dedicated server! PVM. No skill cap. Earn daily rewards for logging in & for play time! Spell casters are viable with movement allowed while casting. Extended attribute caps. High end gear and weapons with lots of custom artifacts. Crafters are lucrative with our merchant coin system and custom bulk order rewards. Enhanced Client animations, tons of custom artwork. Custom Doom Gauntlet. Monthly custom seasonal events. We have a new player facet to help you get started. ClassicUO only, and you must use our custom client to play. Our Patch & Play will keep you up to date with patches and set you up with everything you need to play! Join our Discord channel to stay in touch with what happens in game with our Discord integration. |
Alpha Signups have started: (https://arthfreeserver.com/) Early Access starts Now! We are looking for some early access testers if you are interested. Just make sure you have signed up on the website to get your free mythic token and send me a private message on our discord here: https://discord.gg/hcphpxm7rN to get started. Features: + You can use Modern Client to connect. + Orion Assistant + Razor Enhanced + Uo Steam +Exploitation: A world full of hidden things to uncover for you Zelda fans out there. (So many that some may never be found.) +No Wipes: You will get to take everything with you into the next phase: (Alpha) +Item Insurance +All (Felucca) Facet +Custom Content +Amazing PvM Content +Rewarding Valuable Collectables +Staff Ran Events We are a modern Day Server that gives you that Old school feeling that we haven't felt in years So saddle up those horses and get them crafting tools ready! Everyone is welcome, and we hope to see you soon. |
Dawn of Ages Reborn is a free UO shard that offers a rich and immersive experience for players of all kinds. Whether you enjoy exploring the vast lands of Britannia, engaging in epic battles with other players or monsters, participating in various events and quests, or crafting and trading with your fellow adventurers, Dawn of Ages Reborn has something for you. Dawn of Ages Reborn runs the Time of Legends expansion, which adds new features and content to the classic ultima online gameplay. You can sail the seas in your own galleon, hunt for treasure, fish for rare and exotic creatures, or raid and plunder enemy vessels. You can also visit the new lands of Termur and Eodon and new dungeons like the Tomb of the Kings, Stygian Abyss, the Underworld and our own personal dungeon, the Gem Dungeon where you will encounter and tame some beautiful rare dragons. In Dawn of Ages Reborn you will encounter new enemies and allies, discover new secrets and mysteries, and even hunt dinosaurs. Dawn of Ages Reborn has a balanced and fair system for both pvm and pvp. You can choose to play in a peaceful or a chaotic realm, with different rules and consequences for your actions. You can also join or create a guild and compete with other guilds for fame and glory in VvV. You can participate in tournaments and duels and prove your skills and tactics in the arena or join in the fun in the invisible maze, the landmine maze, paintball, hunt for the mysterious white rabbit, play battle chess, yahtzee, pet wars, capture the flag, town invasions and more! Dawn of Ages Reborn has custom systems such as an ingame auction system, global chat, new rares and stealables, lottery system, pet shrink system, and if you have ever played magic the gathering, or pokemon cards, you will love our ingame Battle Cards. If you love building homes, come and place your new 40x40 plot while there is still room, or place one of the new castle designs. If you are an active Bulk Order Deed Collector, then you will love all the new BODS. You have the usual of the Tailoring and Blacksmith, but now...you have Alchemy, Carpentry, Tinkering, Bowcraft, and more. New players on Dawn of Ages Reborn are pointed in the right direction to New Haven, to where you can raid the new player chest and get full spellbooks, runebooks, starting ethy, runic made armor and find your way to the new player dungeon. You start with 100k on each character. Four accounts per IP, one house per account. Starting players have a skill cap of 720 and a stat cap of 225, but as you age those can go up. Dawn of Ages Reborn has a dedicated and friendly staff, who are always ready to help and support the players. They also organize regular events and activities, such as scavenger hunts, festivals, and they go all out for the holidays. They also listen to the feedback and suggestions of the players, and constantly work to improve and update the shard. Dawn of Ages Reborn is a free ultima online shard that welcomes players of all levels and backgrounds. Whether you are a veteran or a newcomer, you will find a place to call home in Dawn of Ages Reborn. Join us today and experience the ultimate online adventure. |
Imagine a world stuck in pre renascimental era, add magic (white AND black), add challenging dungeons to explore alone or with big raiding groups. Add city-states in conflict for ideological and religious reasons, always searching for a motivation to start a full scale war. All of this and much more is Uoitalia Reborn, the unofficial free to play multiplayer server based on Ultima Online. |
When other shards fail to meet your expectations, it's time to call UO Dante's Inferno home. An updated shard with custome content added each week based on player feedback. Easy to get started, doesn't take weeks of grinding before you are out in the world looking to leave your mark. Perfect time to get your skills up before new event starts. |
- Squires - Custom mobs - Pet breeding - Pet leveling - Item leveling - No skill limit - Custom dungeons - Custom currencies - Full-featured training area - Fully active development staff - Choose 10 skills of 100 each at the start - Up to 10 active windows per 1 IP are allowed - Acts on adding properties of items (without restrictions) - Limitation of stats depending on your level (from 600 total to 1500 total) - Script writing and automation of game processes are allowed without restrictions Welcome to Ultima Online Dreams World, where your epic adventure begins! Explore the unique world we've crafted with both classic elements and innovative features that make your virtual journey truly one-of-a-kind. |
Welcome to Strange-Earth Shard!Step into a realm where the strange and awesome converge, offering a plethora of features that elevate your Ultima Online experience. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the game, Strange-Earth has something for everyone:Unique Features:
- Strange-Earth Team Join Us Now at Strange-Earth Shard! |
Immortal Realms
We have PVM & PVP in Felucca.There are 2 accounts per IP & 2 houses per account. We do family accounts as well. There are No Skill Caps & the Stat Cap is 450. Evo Pets KP's, Evo Armor & Weapons For Humans/Gargoyles, Bio Pets & Rainbow Mounts, Power, Crafting & Skill Scrolls up to 150. With tons of Mobs, Tons of Tamables, Special Quests, and tons of custom deco; we have something for everyone. Log In:whitetigersrus.com/Port:2593 |
New Chance est un serveur Ultima Online francophone qui se veut RP et de bonne entente. Le role play est la principale raison de ce shard, tout en profitant pleinement de tout ce que l’on peut faire en jeu, seul ou à plusieurs. Vous avez fui votre monde en destruction grâce à un portail que les plus grands sorciers ont ouvert, afin d'évacuer les plus jeunes (ce monde peut-être un ancien shard UO, un autre jeux médiéval fantastique, ou sorti tout droit de votre imagination). Vous amenez votre histoire et la partagerez dans ce nouveau monde. Découvrez les 6 cartes totalement redessinées… Visitez plus de 60 donjons avec 5 niveaux de difficultés… Partez à la chasse au trésor sur terre ou en mer… Devenez propriétaire de votre maison que vous pouvez décorer à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur… Achetez votre château dans les nuages ou votre immense cave... Résolvez les multiples quêtes et mystères qui jalonneront votre route… Apprenez avec 1500 points de skill et une multitude de classes et de professions… Le tout en français, traduit par votre serviteur. N’hésitez pas à venir sur le forum pour de plus ample informations. |
A hero is needed, and you, Avatar, have been chosen to be that hero. Join in a detailed, event driven, storyline that will take you across the world, from wondrous cities to the most vile of dungeons, as you work to find and restore Lord British to the throne. Along the way, you’ll be joined by familiar faces from the Ultima series and loot that would be the envy of any adventurer. Faerham Citadel is a production grade Ultima server with re-imagined and refreshed content. Explore a familiar landscape while encountering new surprises throughout your journey on a server deeply connected to dynamic and live hosted events. UORealms.com is more than just our Ultima Online servers (two, with a third highly customized and unique experience on the way), we also offer a large selection of BBS games, a VRising server, Use Your Words game nights (some with real world prizes!), RP campaigns, and more coming. We add additional games, and services, based upon our members feedback. Check us out! |
Paths of Virtue emphasizes immersion and role-playing, thoughtfully capturing the lore and atmosphere of the original Ultima single-player games, especially Ultimas IV and V. Designed to provide a player-driven, open, and persistent Ultima experience, it incorporates many features from the original series. Utilizing a pre-AoS ruleset, the shard also boasts a class system inspired by the classic single-player Ultimas. Furthermore, the map is a customized version of the original Ultima Online map and includes a recreation of the Underworld from Ultima V. UORealms.com is more than just our Ultima Online servers (two, with a third highly customized and unique experience on the way), we also offer a large selection of BBS games, a VRising server, Use Your Words game nights (some with real world prizes!), RP campaigns, and more coming. We add additional games, and services, based upon our members feedback. Check us out! |
Revive the Golden Days with Age of Shadows at Loginuo.com! Experience the pinnacle of Ultima Online with our Age of Shadows server. Packed with custom features yet faithfully preserving the essence of its golden era, this server offers the best of both worlds. Dive into thrilling adventures, unforgettable battles, and a community that cherishes the spirit of the past. Join us at Loginuo.com and be part of the legacy that continues to shine! LOGINUO.ONLINE 2593 5x skill deed 70.0 720.0 total skills 120.0 skill with power scrolls 4 Facet Felucca | Trammel | Ilshenar | Malas //NORMAL GAIN | Trammel | Ilshenar | Malas //POWER HOUR //FASTGAIN | Felucca //DUNGEONS | Felucca //SKILLS SCROLLS DROP +0.1/+0.2/+0.3 TAMER NEWS SYSTEM 1 house per account |
Benvenuto su Supremacy! Se sei un veterano di Ultima online di sicuro passerai subito oltre per cominciare le tue avventure all’interno del mondo di Sosaria. Se invece sei un giocatore nuovo preparati ad immergerti in un gioco che ti permette di recitare la parte del tuo personaggio in maniera libera e creativa, a patto di non entrare in contrasto col regolamento del gioco. Potrai essere un crudele e spietato Elfo Oscuro, più facilmente chiamato Drow, oppure un elfo pacifico e dedito ad adorare la natura. Potrai scegliere se essere un combattente come un arciere o un guerriero oppure concentrarti sulle arti magiche diventando un potente mago. Potrai anche scegliere, qualora non ti attirasse la vita avventurosa, di scegliere una classe lavoratrice come il sarto, il fabbro o il lavoratore del legno. Detto questo auguriamo a tutti un sereno gioco a tutti nel mondo di Supremacy! |
Welcome to IDOC - A simple RunUO Server My name is Henry and I run this server for fun and not for profit. We are professionally hosted on a high availability server and have been stable for over 10 years. Come join us and have a look around and stay a while. Enjoy playing the game that changed everything, the server is set around the time of Mondains Legacy (with a few custom scripts and some more recent features). Based in Sydney, Australia. Very casual and laid back. |
Haven Reborn Shard New server, running on Classic 2D client with the original Haven town. Server has several custom additions, resources & crafting, bio engineering, knives chat, stargates and more. Great place to come and relax while playing Ultima Online prior to the big changes to haven, this was always my best era & memories while playing. Please take time to register with the shards forums for any updates and news regarding the server. All required files are on the website to play. More detail & guides are on our forums. |
Professional Server running in advanced Datacenter on the east coast. Server will be up 24-7 unless updates are being rolled out. **** Server features**** |
Greetings everyone, our TurkUO Server, which we have been working on for a long time with great effort, is now active. Currently, our beta phase is open. Those who wish can join our server, test our systems, and participate in active action. If you're tired of seeing the same systems, the same champions, and the same actions, our server is just for you (everything you need is in your bank during the beta phase). Once the beta phase ends, we will embark on a long-lasting adventure together. New maps, new dungeons, new champions, new, new, new... In short, you won't get bored. Our server is based on ServUO, and third-party software like Speed, Orion, etc., is blocked. We use our own custom client, and you can use Razor with this client (integrated into the client). There is no need to register through any website. Our server features many new systems, such as: - Animal Training System - Rarity System - Online Point System - Class System - BOD System - Achievement System - Animal Trainer Level System Our website: https://turkuo.com/ Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7nmfYckx2j To connect to the server, you need to download our special client and custom Ultima Online UOP files from our website: https://turkuo.com/download.php |
Vortia UO is a meticulously crafted Ultima Online Renaissance shard designed by a dedicated team of veterans passionate about both PvM and PvP gameplay. Our team focuses solely on enhancing your experience, ensuring a balanced and fair environment where staff do not participate as players. Vortia UO offers a rich, immersive world with endless opportunities for exploration, adventure, and growth. With a refined risk vs. reward system, Vortia UO embraces the core elements that made Ultima Online great while adding modern twists. Dive into our expansive crafting system, featuring the most dynamic and player-driven economy in the free shard community. Engage in thrilling PvP battles with a wide array of templates and strategies, or embark on challenging PvM encounters packed with data-driven improvements and surprises at every turn. At Vortia UO, the world is truly yours to shape, conquer, and thrive in. Join us and rediscover the magic of Ultima Online, reimagined. |
Hail Newbie. Welcome to Dabbs Land: An Ultima Online Emulator Shard. We are still in Development custom Scriptwriters wanted and are paid a bounty for good scripts. There is no fee to pay , Nope don't need Money! Right now, there's a ton of room for new houses but hurry up and place one before we get overloaded Tons of features, thousands of Quests awaits you and were adding new stuff every day. look for the casino and Win a Million Gold We start you with advanced stats just say [advancement. Login with Razor PORT 2593 |
https://UOWOS.LV - Unqiue 100 lvl system, interesting PvP and PvM, Quests, 24/7 Admin Support . WGP Transactions | Terms of use | Static+ rules | Static+ Last visit date | Vacancy | [email protected] History | Game rules | Contacts | © UOWOS Inc 2005-2024 |
The Forging is a modern UO server, you can explore and play the game we all know and love. Get a fresh start, explore, claim a new legacy in Ultima Online. Additionally you can join Siege Forging, a Siege Perilous ruleset version of the server. Connection info: The Forging [Standard UO Rules] theforging.servegame.com port: 2593 |
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