
  1. Custom Buff Bar 1.1

    This has been a fun project for my server. It allows me to add custom buffs and such to the server without modifying the client side. It allows players to use the command [buffs to prompt a gump to display. The gump will refresh every 10 seconds, as the server has a timer set up. Player's can...
  2. Bonus while mounted

    Hello! This is my first script, i've just copied Horse.cs and changed some parameters. I'd like to buff rider's magery when mount the sphinx and obviously lose this bonus when dismounted. I have tried to override the OnDoubleClick method in order to buff the rider, but i can't figured it out how...
  3. Shazzy

    Roses and Rose Petal Buffs 1.0 2016-07-09

    There are three roses that work like the Rose of Trinsic, but these give the player a +10 buff in dex, int or str depending on the petal. They are: A rose of agility A rose of fortitude A rose of intellect Check the hues on these to make sure they are ok with the hues file you use. Change...

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