
  1. Moving trap

    Hi guys, Anyone have a trick to remove this trap from the floor? I already tried with the [Remove command but it says the command does not work on that...
  2. Black items in game

    Hi to all! I never wrote something on this forum but I use it a lot to solve many of my problems. I've been looking for a solution for a new problem that i'm having but couldn't find anything at all. Currently I'm working with a team on an italian custom shard. We encounter a strange...
  3. Wall/Ground Clipping Issues

    Hi, Returning to UO after a 15+ year break. Previously modded considerably and just started to get everything up and running. Familiar with a lot of concepts in the background. So if anyone can point me in the right direction I should be able to run with it. I am running ServUO (Version 0.5...
  4. lyricdear

    Exploring the Deep Quest Fix You Didn't Know You Needed 1.0

    The Exploring the Deep quest in the Serv repo is broken. There's a pause where you finish the first stage and move to the second, and can access everything in the second stage, but there's nothing in the code to update your status so that you can go to the third stage. I've fixed this, and...
  5. ParanoiaPhD

    Bug when setting no item loss on death to occur.

    So I changed the code in playermobile.cs regarding what happens to your stuff when you die. Basically I made it so all your stuff goes into your back pack so you dont have to worry about item insurance anymore. Everything was working fine! I thought I succeeded and moved on. So today I...

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