
  1. Voxpire

    Misc Upgrading to .NET 4.8 for old projects

    This tutorial is a short and sweet step-by-step guide on updating the target framework for older projects such as RunUO 2.2 and earlier, or ServUO P56 and earlier. This assumes that your project is set up with the necessary SLN and CSPROJ files needed to compile using MSBuild / CSC. Using...
  2. Ubuntu .NET 4.8 errors

    Hello! I am getting .NET 4.8 reference errors on `dotnet build` when building the shard's branch. I tried to install it. I tried : apt, apt-get, then snap, wine, winetricks, tequila shots, .. always getting many install errors, even using `--force`. I also tried to retarget using VS Comm...

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