[gift - Fill in the gump, target a player and they will receive your gift.
[giftall - Fill in the gump, ALL characters (online or not) will receive this gift in their backpack.
You can use any container type, bag, backpack, chest, as long as it can hold items!
There are three roses that work like the Rose of Trinsic, but these give the player a +10 buff in dex, int or str depending on the petal.
They are:
A rose of agility
A rose of fortitude
A rose of intellect
Check the hues on these to make sure they are ok with the hues file you use. Change...
Place this anywhere in your Scripts directory and restart the shard.
Use the [add command to create a PandorasGiftBox anywhere in the world. This is a container that is only accessible by Game Masters and above. It is not moveable, but is visible. I recommend creating them...