
  1. RedRooster

    Art Rooster's Gothic Style Windows ( PAID Resource 50$ USD )

    This is a PAID Resource. ( 50$ USD ) If you're interested in purchasing please contact me on discord ( Discord ID: _redrooster ) to set up payment via : PayPal Friends and Family. I own sole rights to all images contained within. By purchasing you agree not to publicly/privately sell or...
  2. RedRooster

    Art Rooster's Crystal Ball 1.0

    File Includes: 2 Animations On / Off and 1 BaseCloth 8 .BMP's in Total Also included is a .txt file which outlines recommended TileData / AnimData Please be sure to add me to Shard Credits List, and consider giving a reaction / review!! <3
  3. RedRooster

    Art Rooster's Creature Tank's 1.0

    File Includes: 8 Creature Variations and a simple stand in each direction. 42 .BMP's in Total ( 21 Each Direction ) Also included is a .txt file which outlines recommended TileData / AnimData Please be sure to add me to Shard Credits List, and consider giving a reaction / review!! <3
  4. RedRooster

    Art Rooster's Arcade Game's 1.0

    Just a fun little mock up of some arcade games! Resource includes 50 pieces of art in total. ( 24 in each direction with 2 Bonus retro floor patterns! Also included is a txt file with associated tiledata and animdata! If you use any of the resources I've personally released please consider...

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