harvest system

  1. Vert-I-Go

    Snow Harvesting 2023-12-26

    A Harvest system for collection Snow Piles. Can be used in Either RunUo or ServUO. Simple Basic system COMES WITH. Snow Shovel Basic like mining shovel or an equipable shovel with gump art and explanation on how-to get it working. Read me file with core edit instructions (not many cliloc edits...
  2. Grave Digging 2020-07-31

    Grave Digging is a new harvest system that allows players to exhume bones, human remains, equipment, and other buried items from cemitaries throughout the world. The common resources: By default, necromancer reagents as well as bones and fertile dirt are gathered. The gathering of Necromancer...
  3. Custom Grave Digging Harvest system help

    Hey, so I'm creating a new harvest definition, Grave Digging, for the Mining harvest system. I have the system mostly working.. The only real issue is that there's no cap on the number of resources that can be harvested from one vein and it just allows you dig at one grave infinitely. Here is...

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