
  1. Trouble acquiring older map/facet .mul files for Trammel, Felucca, Ilshenarr, and Malas

    Hello, all I've recently tried finding copies of some old .mul (or .uop?) files which contain the specific versions of the facets, Trammel especially, from a time just prior to Stygian Abyss. As I develop out bits and pieces of my hobby-server, I've come to admit that I just don't know enough...
  2. FiftyTifty

    Gaea -> UO Landscaper: unclear on GIMP importing?

    I've been using Gaea for creating terrains in WoW for a year now, and wanted to try something different. Turns out, UO does support heightmaps and colour maps through UOLandscaper! Trouble is, the threads I've found don't correctly explain how to import heightmap files. Probably due to the...
  3. Voodooburst

    Texterr.def: How to use it?

    Hi, I've been having trouble with some tile types for a while now. Let me explain: these tiles when they are at Z = 0 are displayed correctly in the client, when they are tilted [for example to reproduce an uneven terrain], they are displayed as a completely black tile or they are converted into...
  4. TheArt

    Maps Blank Staidx & Statics 1.1

    So knowing how programs work, I also know that if I ended up with a statics file that was over a 1 gig big from CentrED+ that I shouldn't be the only person who ends up having that hiccup. That being said, I know you, like me, wouldn't want to have to go back and redo EVERYTHING. Learning how...
  5. Fraz

    Season Change Assistant 2016-03-31

    A simple gump to control the seasons of the maps while in game. Copy into your Scripts/Commands folder. (Or other to your liking) Default control is given to Decorator and above. Change to your liking if your not afraid to get your hands dirty with these lines below...

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