Nothing much I can say other than I actually went ahead and redid the entire paperdoll gumps from start to finish. That means everything is included with this package from Day 1 all the way to Endless Journey. Humans, elves, and especially gargoyles. Also included are enhanced spell icons...
I'm pleased to announce the 2.0 release of my custom paperdoll project. Unlike before where I only really went up to before Stygian Abyss. This time around, everything and I do mean everything was adapted and modified from the latest client. The one with pirate shields, demon belts, candycane...
Well its finally finished. After almost 3 months or so I managed to redo around 600 of the original gump art. Replacing them with either new updated pieces either made from the community/what I could find via google image search or (in the case of mostly everything cloth/armor) stitched/cut up...