
  1. setting spells at initial player's interface Is there a method ?

    Hi i mean is there some kind a script or macros to grab spells from Spell book So the noob player would see them right in begining at first enter in the game And not only spells Would like that map, skills, abilities gumps all shoud be auto opened
  2. deleting gump icons

    Hello guys is there a method to delete a gump icon from character creation or from a spell book? So user coudn't (click) use them. For example "advanced" option on character creation interface or a spell icon from Bushido magic book. If its possible Could you pls direct me to the scripts where...
  3. Dark Saiyan

    ACC Complete Spell System - Blank Spellbooks?

    Hey folks, I just added the ACC Complete Spell System and like it, save for one thing: All the Spellbooks are full. I compared the CS files to the normal Spellbook.cs, but they are set up a bit differently. When I modified the new ones to match, I don't get any error, but the spellsbooks won't...

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