
Hello, I am trying to add a glowing rune to an xml spawner so that I can attempt to make it where a player steps on it and it changes hue. Thats the end goal anyway. I have used xml spawners for stealables and in the book, the first part of the code looks like BaseStealableItem/ItemID/12345. I dont want this item to be stealable. But also this isnt an item that comes up in the list within the spawner gump. I can [add it to the game, just cant get it on this spawner. I have tried EVERYTHING. I put Static there, ItemID, BaseItem, I have searched for 2 days and somehow, I cant find this specific situation. Everything I find is like katana/Hue/33 whatever type thing where katana is easily found in the gump anyway. I am looking for what I should replace the "BaseStealableItem" part with for using a specific ID.
Im not sure what you are asking here however,
you should be able to add your item directly to the xmlspawner, for example: glowingrune or glowingrune/movable/false
If you have parameters in the construct as i suspect you might, you need to use: glowingrune,<parameter>
an example is (with 2 parameters) - to add a tmap
[add treasuremap 1 felucca
xmlspawner is:TreasureMap,1,Felucca
or: TreasureMap,1,Felucca/movable/false

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