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Ultima Expansion
The Second Age
Hey guys I hope this is an easy answer but after an hour perusing boards and advanced google searches leaving me dry, I thought I'd come here and ask.

I am wanting to use xmlspawners to enhance my world but I tire of using GUI's to do it. I am able to use this command [add xmlspawner 5 1 2 0 10 10 dog to spawn a dog with the properties I want the spawner to have. Question is: How do I add more than just dogs using command line? I know I can go into the gump and do it but I was hoping there was a way I can add other things in that entry list too.

I have tried:

[add xmlspawner 5 1 2 0 10 10 dog/cat/pig
[add xmlspawner 5 1 2 0 10 10 dog, cat, pig
[add xmlspawner 5 1 2 0 10 10 dog cat pig

Also, is there a way each line of the entries can have their own maxcount without me having to use the arrows?

All of these error out. Any help on how to do this? I would give much love :)
Last edited:
Thanks for sending :) I already have that and read it through but it doesn't address my question of adding multiple creatures to a single spawner just using command line, thanks for the help though!

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