Dr Death

I am looking to create 9th circle spells for my shard and have one done. Its a mass heal / cure spell that has an area of effect for 60 seconds only on your party or animals etc. It basically cure and then greater heal every 10 seconds for 60 seconds.

anyone have any cool ideas? id love to brain storm with someone.
The old single player ultima games had Armageddon, which killed everything on the entire server... Which wouldn't work in a multi-player setting, however... It could, instead of killing everything:
1. Be castable only once a day, week, etc... (possibly depending on skill level)
2. Instead of killing everything... kill (or do large damage) all basecreatures in a XX tile radius (based on skill level) (explosion graphic on all damaged creatures and leave fire fields here and there within the radius to make it look cool)
3. Also... Kill everyone in the caster's guild... lol

I guess 3 would be optional, but it would be a funny side effect for an uber spell, lol...
The old single player ultima games had Armageddon, which killed everything on the entire server... Which wouldn't work in a multi-player setting, however... It could, instead of killing everything:
1. Be castable only once a day, week, etc... (possibly depending on skill level)
2. Instead of killing everything... kill (or do large damage) all basecreatures in a XX tile radius (based on skill level) (explosion graphic on all damaged creatures and leave fire fields here and there within the radius to make it look cool)
3. Also... Kill everyone in the caster's guild... lol

I guess 3 would be optional, but it would be a funny side effect for an uber spell, lol...
I love the idea. we built it today as an item to test it for a bit. It does damage to everything within 10 tiles (500 damage) and brings your mana to 0 and does 50 hps of damage and has some cool text about whats happening. Thanks man!

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