
+ KUSTOM/HuntingBods/LargeHuntBOD.cs:
CS0115: Line 27: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.LargeHuntBOD.ComputeRewards()':
no suitable method found to override
CS0534: Line 10: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.LargeHuntBOD' does not implement
inherited abstract member 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.LargeBOD.ComputeRewards(bo
+ KUSTOM/HuntingBods/SmallHuntBOD.cs:
CS0115: Line 29: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallHuntBOD.ComputeRewards()':
no suitable method found to override
CS0534: Line 11: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallHuntBOD' does not implement
inherited abstract member 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBOD.ComputeRewards(bo

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Engines.BulkOrders;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;

namespace Server.Engines.BulkOrders
    public class LargeHuntBOD : LargeBOD
        public int Level { get { return (int)this.Material; } }

        public override int ComputeFame()
            return 100 + Utility.Random(20 * (Level + 1));

        public override int ComputeGold()
            return 3000 + Level * 2000 + AmountMax * 40 + this.Entries.Length * 100 + Utility.Random(500);

        public override ArrayList ComputeRewards()
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            double psChance = 0;
            int iPSMin = 0;
            int iPSMax = 0;
            int itemAmount = (Level + 1) * this.Entries.Length;

            switch (Level)
                case 0: // Easy
                    psChance = 0.03;
                    iPSMin = 5;
                    iPSMax = 5;
                case 1: // Medium
                    psChance = 0.05;
                    iPSMin = 5;
                    iPSMax = 5;
                case 2: // Hard
                    psChance = 0.10;
                    iPSMin = 5;
                    iPSMax = 5;
                case 3: // Very Hard
                    psChance = 0.20;
                    iPSMin = 10;
                    iPSMax = 10;

            psChance += this.AmountMax / 200.0;
            psChance += this.Entries.Length / 60.0;

            Container cont = new Bag();

            int minProp = Level + 3;
            if (minProp > 5)
                minProp = 5;

            //EUtility.AddRandomLoot(cont, (Level + 1) * 3, (int)(Level * 300 + AmountMax / 20.0 * 150 + Entries.Length / 6.0 * 150), ScaleTypes.PlayerLuck, minProp, 5, 50, 100);


            if (psChance >= Utility.RandomDouble() && iPSMin > 0 && iPSMax > 0)
                cont.DropItem(PowerScroll.CreateRandomNoCraft(iPSMin, iPSMax));


            return list;

        public static LargeHuntBOD CreateRandomFor(Mobile m, double skill)
            int curLevel = 0;
            int levelMax = 0;
            int amountMax = 0;

            HuntBodUtility.GetLargeBodProps(skill, out levelMax, out amountMax);

            LargeHuntBOD largeBod = new LargeHuntBOD(amountMax, false, 0, null);

            largeBod.Entries = LargeBulkEntry.ConvertEntries(largeBod, HuntBodUtility.GetLargeEntry(out curLevel, levelMax));
            largeBod.Material = (BulkMaterialType)curLevel;

            return largeBod;

        public LargeHuntBOD()
            int curLevel = 0;
            int levelMax = 0;
            int amountMax = 0;

            HuntBodUtility.GetLargeBodProps(Utility.RandomMinMax(80, 120), out levelMax, out amountMax);
            LargeBulkEntry[] entries = LargeBulkEntry.ConvertEntries(this, HuntBodUtility.GetLargeEntry(out curLevel, levelMax));

            this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
            this.AmountMax = amountMax;
            this.Entries = entries;
            this.RequireExceptional = false;
            this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)curLevel;

        public LargeHuntBOD(int amountMax, bool reqExceptional, int level, LargeBulkEntry[] entries)
            this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
            this.AmountMax = amountMax;
            this.Entries = entries;
            this.RequireExceptional = reqExceptional;
            this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)level;

        public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            list.Add(1042971, string.Format("Difficulty Level: {0}", HuntBodUtility.GetDifficultyLevel(Level))); // ~1_NOTHING~

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack) && !BaseHuntContractVendor.CanUseContract(from))
                from.SendMessage("You need to have atleast {0} in a figthing skill to use this.", BaseHuntContractVendor.SkillNeeded);


        public LargeHuntBOD(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

Thanks! any help would be appreciated
public override ArrayList ComputeRewards()
public override ArrayList ComputeRewards(bool full)

I have no idea what it was used for in the rewards method but thats what is missing in both scripts.
But to make sure that your version still uses ArrayList go to the LargeBOD.cs and see how the ComputeRewards looks like
+ KUSTOM/HuntingBods/LargeHuntBOD.cs:
CS0508: Line 27: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.LargeHuntBOD.ComputeRewards(bool
)': return type must be 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Item>' to match
overridden member 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.LargeBOD.ComputeRewards(bool)'
+ KUSTOM/HuntingBods/SmallHuntBOD.cs:
CS0508: Line 29: 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallHuntBOD.ComputeRewards(bool
)': return type must be 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Item>' to match
overridden member 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.SmallBOD.ComputeRewards(bool)'

I dont understand the error at all

This is my LargeBOD.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;

namespace Server.Engines.BulkOrders
    [TypeAlias( "Scripts.Engines.BulkOrders.LargeBOD" )]
    public abstract class LargeBOD : Item
        private int m_AmountMax;
        private bool m_RequireExceptional;
        private BulkMaterialType m_Material;
        private LargeBulkEntry[] m_Entries;

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public int AmountMax{ get{ return m_AmountMax; } set{ m_AmountMax = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool RequireExceptional{ get{ return m_RequireExceptional; } set{ m_RequireExceptional = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public BulkMaterialType Material{ get{ return m_Material; } set{ m_Material = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

        public LargeBulkEntry[] Entries{ get{ return m_Entries; } set{ m_Entries = value; InvalidateProperties(); } }

        [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
        public bool Complete
                for ( int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Length; ++i )
                    if ( m_Entries[i].Amount < m_AmountMax )
                        return false;

                return true;

        public abstract List<Item> ComputeRewards( bool full );
        public abstract int ComputeGold();
        public abstract int ComputeFame();

        public virtual void GetRewards( out Item reward, out int gold, out int fame )
            reward = null;
            gold = ComputeGold();
            fame = ComputeFame();

            List<Item> rewards = ComputeRewards( false );

            if ( rewards.Count > 0 )
                reward = rewards[Utility.Random( rewards.Count )];

                for ( int i = 0; i < rewards.Count; ++i )
                    if ( rewards[i] != reward )

        public static BulkMaterialType GetRandomMaterial( BulkMaterialType start, double[] chances )
            double random = Utility.RandomDouble();

            for ( int i = 0; i < chances.Length; ++i )
                if ( random < chances[i] )
                    return ( i == 0 ? BulkMaterialType.None : start + (i - 1) );

                random -= chances[i];

            return BulkMaterialType.None;

        public override int LabelNumber{ get{ return 1045151; } } // a bulk order deed

        public LargeBOD( int hue, int amountMax, bool requireExeptional, BulkMaterialType material, LargeBulkEntry[] entries ) : base( Core.AOS ? 0x2258 : 0x14EF )
            Weight = 1.0;
            Hue = hue; // Blacksmith: 0x44E; Tailoring: 0x483
            LootType = LootType.Blessed;

            m_AmountMax = amountMax;
            m_RequireExceptional = requireExeptional;
            m_Material = material;
            m_Entries = entries;

        public LargeBOD() : base( Core.AOS ? 0x2258 : 0x14EF )
            Weight = 1.0;
            LootType = LootType.Blessed;

        public override void GetProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
            base.GetProperties( list );

            list.Add( 1060655 ); // large bulk order

            if ( m_RequireExceptional )
                list.Add( 1045141 ); // All items must be exceptional.

            if ( m_Material != BulkMaterialType.None )
                list.Add( LargeBODGump.GetMaterialNumberFor( m_Material ) ); // All items must be made with x material.

            list.Add( 1060656, m_AmountMax.ToString() ); // amount to make: ~1_val~

            for ( int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Length; ++i )
                list.Add( 1060658 + i, "#{0}\t{1}", m_Entries[i].Details.Number, m_Entries[i].Amount ); // ~1_val~: ~2_val~

        public override void OnDoubleClickNotAccessible( Mobile from )
            OnDoubleClick( from );

        public override void OnDoubleClickSecureTrade( Mobile from )
            OnDoubleClick( from );

        public override void OnDoubleClick( Mobile from )
            if ( IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) || InSecureTrade || RootParent is PlayerVendor )
        Gump bod_gump = new LargeBODGump(from, this);
        CaptchaGump.sendCaptcha(from, CaptchaGump.SendGumpAfterCaptcha, bod_gump);
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045156 ); // You must have the deed in your backpack to use it.

        public void BeginCombine( Mobile from )
            if ( !Complete )
                from.Target = new LargeBODTarget( this );
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045166 ); // The maximum amount of requested items have already been combined to this deed.

        public void EndCombine( Mobile from, object o )
            if ( o is Item && ((Item)o).IsChildOf( from.Backpack ) )
                if ( o is SmallBOD )
                    SmallBOD small = (SmallBOD)o;

                    LargeBulkEntry entry = null;

                    for ( int i = 0; entry == null && i < m_Entries.Length; ++i )
                        if ( m_Entries[i].Details.Type == small.Type )
                            entry = m_Entries[i];

                    if ( entry == null )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045160 ); // That is not a bulk order for this large request.
                    else if ( m_RequireExceptional && !small.RequireExceptional )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045161 ); // Both orders must be of exceptional quality.
                    else if ( m_Material >= BulkMaterialType.DullCopper && m_Material <= BulkMaterialType.Valorite && small.Material != m_Material )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045162 ); // Both orders must use the same ore type.
                    else if ( m_Material >= BulkMaterialType.Spined && m_Material <= BulkMaterialType.Barbed && small.Material != m_Material )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049351 ); // Both orders must use the same leather type.
                    else if ( m_AmountMax != small.AmountMax )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045163 ); // The two orders have different requested amounts and cannot be combined.
                    else if ( small.AmountCur < small.AmountMax )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045164 ); // The order to combine with is not completed.
                    else if ( entry.Amount >= m_AmountMax )
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045166 ); // The maximum amount of requested items have already been combined to this deed.
                        entry.Amount += small.AmountCur;

                        from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045165 ); // The orders have been combined.

                        from.SendGump( new LargeBODGump( from, this ) );

                        if ( !Complete )
                            BeginCombine( from );
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045159 ); // That is not a bulk order.
                from.SendLocalizedMessage( 1045158 ); // You must have the item in your backpack to target it.

        public LargeBOD( Serial serial ) : base( serial )

        public override void Serialize( GenericWriter writer )
            base.Serialize( writer );

            writer.Write( (int) 0 ); // version

            writer.Write( m_AmountMax );
            writer.Write( m_RequireExceptional );
            writer.Write( (int) m_Material );

            writer.Write( (int) m_Entries.Length );

            for ( int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Length; ++i )
                m_Entries[i].Serialize( writer );

        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 0:
                    m_AmountMax = reader.ReadInt();
                    m_RequireExceptional = reader.ReadBool();
                    m_Material = (BulkMaterialType)reader.ReadInt();

                    m_Entries = new LargeBulkEntry[reader.ReadInt()];

                    for ( int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Length; ++i )
                        m_Entries[i] = new LargeBulkEntry( this, reader );


            if ( Weight == 0.0 )
                Weight = 1.0;

            if ( Core.AOS && ItemID == 0x14EF )
                ItemID = 0x2258;

            if ( Parent == null && Map == Map.Internal && Location == Point3D.Zero )

This is the method is called ''getrewards'':

public abstract List<Item> ComputeRewards( bool full );
        public abstract int ComputeGold();
        public abstract int ComputeFame();

        public virtual void GetRewards( out Item reward, out int gold, out int fame )
            reward = null;
            gold = ComputeGold();
            fame = ComputeFame();

            List<Item> rewards = ComputeRewards( false );

            if ( rewards.Count > 0 )
                reward = rewards[Utility.Random( rewards.Count )];

                for ( int i = 0; i < rewards.Count; ++i )
                    if ( rewards[i] != reward )
Well the error is what I mentioned that you shoudl check. Your version of the HuntingBOD uses ArrayList but now it does not anymore.

This says that it has to be a List<Item> now
public abstract List<Item> ComputeRewards( bool full );

so change the previously mentioned
public override ArrayList ComputeRewards(bool full)
public override List<Item> ComputeRewards(bool full)
+ KUSTOM/HuntingBods/LargeHuntBOD.cs:
CS0029: Line 80: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.ArrayLis
t' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Item>'
+ KUSTOM/HuntingBods/SmallHuntBOD.cs:
CS0029: Line 45: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.ArrayLis
t' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<Server.Item>'



using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;

namespace Server.Engines.BulkOrders
    public class LargeHuntBOD : LargeBOD
        public int Level { get { return (int)this.Material; } }

        public override int ComputeFame()
            return 100 + Utility.Random(20 * (Level + 1));

        public override int ComputeGold()
            return 3000 + Level * 2000 + AmountMax * 40 + this.Entries.Length * 100 + Utility.Random(500);

    //    private List<SBInfo> m_SBInfos = new List<SBInfo>();
    //    protected override List<SBInfo> SBInfos{ get { return m_SBInfos; } }
       public override List<Item> ComputeRewards(bool full)
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

            double psChance = 0;
            int iPSMin = 0;
            int iPSMax = 0;
            int itemAmount = (Level + 1) * this.Entries.Length;

            switch (Level)
                case 0: // Easy
                    psChance = 0.03;
                    iPSMin = 5;
                    iPSMax = 5;
                case 1: // Medium
                    psChance = 0.05;
                    iPSMin = 5;
                    iPSMax = 5;
                case 2: // Hard
                    psChance = 0.10;
                    iPSMin = 5;
                    iPSMax = 5;
                case 3: // Very Hard
                    psChance = 0.20;
                    iPSMin = 10;
                    iPSMax = 10;

            psChance += this.AmountMax / 200.0;
            psChance += this.Entries.Length / 60.0;

            Container cont = new Bag();

            int minProp = Level + 3;
            if (minProp > 5)
                minProp = 5;



            if (psChance >= Utility.RandomDouble() && iPSMin > 0 && iPSMax > 0)
                cont.DropItem(PowerScroll.CreateRandomNoCraft(iPSMin, iPSMax));


            return list;

        public static LargeHuntBOD CreateRandomFor(Mobile m, double skill)
            int curLevel = 0;
            int levelMax = 0;
            int amountMax = 0;

            HuntBodUtility.GetLargeBodProps(skill, out levelMax, out amountMax);

            LargeHuntBOD largeBod = new LargeHuntBOD(amountMax, false, 0, null);

            largeBod.Entries = LargeBulkEntry.ConvertEntries(largeBod, HuntBodUtility.GetLargeEntry(out curLevel, levelMax));
            largeBod.Material = (BulkMaterialType)curLevel;

            return largeBod;

        public LargeHuntBOD()
            int curLevel = 0;
            int levelMax = 0;
            int amountMax = 0;

            HuntBodUtility.GetLargeBodProps(Utility.RandomMinMax(80, 120), out levelMax, out amountMax);
            LargeBulkEntry[] entries = LargeBulkEntry.ConvertEntries(this, HuntBodUtility.GetLargeEntry(out curLevel, levelMax));

            this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
            this.AmountMax = amountMax;
            this.Entries = entries;
            this.RequireExceptional = false;
            this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)curLevel;

        public LargeHuntBOD(int amountMax, bool reqExceptional, int level, LargeBulkEntry[] entries)
            this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
            this.AmountMax = amountMax;
            this.Entries = entries;
            this.RequireExceptional = reqExceptional;
            this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)level;

        public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            list.Add(1042971, string.Format("Nivel de Dificultad: {0}", HuntBodUtility.GetDifficultyLevel(Level))); // ~1_NOTHING~

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack) && !BaseHuntContractVendor.CanUseContract(from))
                from.SendMessage("Necesitas tener almenos {0} en habilidad de Combate.", BaseHuntContractVendor.SkillNeeded);


        public LargeHuntBOD(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
line 28 in the large one:
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
change it to
List<Item> list = new List<Item>();
Thanks! server compiles, i just noticed those hunt bods ask for ingots (like smithy ones) also there are some cliloc errors tho. :/

Oh well thanks for your support


  • boderrors.png
    46.7 KB · Views: 19
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Server;
using Server.Items;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Gumps;

namespace Server.Engines.BulkOrders
    public class SmallHuntBOD : SmallBOD
        public int Level { get { return (int)this.Material; } }

        public override int ComputeFame()
            return 10 + Utility.Random((Level + 1) * 10);

        public override int ComputeGold()
            return (Level + 1) * 500 + AmountMax * 10 + Utility.Random(500);

        public override List<Item> ComputeRewards(bool full)
            List<Item> list = new List<Item>();

            Container cont = new Bag();

            int minProp = Level + 1;
            if (minProp > 3)
                minProp = 3;



            return list;

        public static SmallHuntBOD CreateRandomFor(Mobile m, double skill)
            int curLevel = 0;
            int levelMax = 0;
            int amountMax = 0;

            HuntBodUtility.GetSmallBodProps(skill, out levelMax, out amountMax);
            SmallBulkEntry[] entries = HuntBodUtility.GetSmallEntry(out curLevel, levelMax);

            return new SmallHuntBOD(entries[Utility.Random(entries.Length)], curLevel, amountMax, false);

        private SmallHuntBOD(SmallBulkEntry entry, int level, int amountMax, bool reqExceptional)
            this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
            this.AmountMax = amountMax;
            this.Type = entry.Type;
            this.Number = entry.Number;
            this.Graphic = entry.Graphic;
            this.RequireExceptional = reqExceptional;
            this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)level;

        public SmallHuntBOD()
            int curLevel = 0;
            int levelMax = 0;
            int amountMax = 0;

            HuntBodUtility.GetSmallBodProps(Utility.RandomMinMax(80, 120), out levelMax, out amountMax);
            SmallBulkEntry[] entries = HuntBodUtility.GetSmallEntry(out curLevel, levelMax);

            if (entries.Length > 0)
                SmallBulkEntry entry = entries[Utility.Random(entries.Length)];

                this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
                this.AmountMax = amountMax;
                this.Type = entry.Type;
                this.Number = entry.Number;
                this.Graphic = entry.Graphic;
                this.RequireExceptional = false;
                this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)curLevel;

        public SmallHuntBOD(int amountCur, int amountMax, Type type, int number, int graphic, bool reqExceptional, int level)
            this.Hue = HuntBodUtility.HuntBodDeedHue;
            this.AmountMax = amountMax;
            this.AmountCur = amountCur;
            this.Type = type;
            this.Number = number;
            this.Graphic = graphic;
            this.RequireExceptional = reqExceptional;
            this.Material = (BulkMaterialType)level;

        public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

            list.Add(1042971, string.Format("Difficulty Level: {0}", HuntBodUtility.GetDifficultyLevel(Level))); // ~1_NOTHING~

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack) && !BaseHuntContractVendor.CanUseContract(from))
                from.SendMessage("You need to have atleast {0} in a figthing skill to use this.", BaseHuntContractVendor.SkillNeeded);


        public SmallHuntBOD(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)1); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
Honestly, I dont see how those will even work as they are currently. They require Exceptional. Exceptional what? What are you hunting? Animals? They arent exceptional, thats only crafted items. And the (BulkMaterialType) generally means that whatever you are hunting would have to be added into that script in Bulk Order Deeds. If your hunting animals, the TamingBOD system would be a better idea.
I Installed taming bod i get errors:

+ KUSTOM/RoninGT-fs-animal-taming-bod-system/FS - Animal Taming BODs/Core/Anima
CS0246: Line 11: The type or namespace name 'BaseCore' could not be found (a
re you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 23: The type or namespace name 'CustomSerial' could not be foun
d (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ KUSTOM/RoninGT-fs-animal-taming-bod-system/FS - Animal Taming BODs/Core/Anima
CS0246: Line 11: The type or namespace name 'BaseModule' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 44: The type or namespace name 'CustomSerial' could not be foun
d (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 49: The type or namespace name 'BaseCoreEventArgs' could not be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ KUSTOM/RoninGT-fs-animal-taming-bod-system/Shared/Mobile/SBInfo/SBFSAnimalTra
CS0234: Line 6: The type or namespace name 'ShrinkSystem' does not exist in
the namespace 'CustomsFramework.Systems' (are you missing an assembly reference?

Ignore the last one from shrink system i know how to fix that one

Btw there was a TamingAnimal contract script similar as BODS, around runuo forums.... anyone have it? it looked like the ony in my pictamingcontract.png
Last edited:

Active Shards


Total amount