hello, thank you for the animations. Are you sure it's all about him? Because I have the impression of having already seen certain animations on The Italian Miracle Shard?
I've had these for so long I'm not really sure. I just assumed that all the animations that looked like this were from WOW....and thus from Rafael Costa UoBrazilian.

Do you know which ones? I should remove them. I shouldn't be sharing mobiles that weren't mine to share.
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Um some of those I did years ago. some were from UOBrazilian yes but some are after that i did because they were from a later version of WOW and the last one is the enhanced version of the swamp dragon from Ultima Online enhanced client. But they were all free so I don't have a problem with anyone sharing the stuff I did years ago so no biggy :). Can't remember which ones was along time ago lol we sent files back and forth worked together with alot of people back in the day swapping with people from UO Pixel and other sites back then.
I can tell for sure that all these dragons (even the last one) are from Rafael Costa UoBrazilian, he had shared a mount pack through RunUo forum at the time.
I've had the full UOBrazilian pack (wich Rafael sent me in private) since 2013.

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