
ServUO Version
Publish 57
Ultima Expansion
Endless Journey
Trying to make a mod to the SOS code to allow for a custom cliloc text, however with this I am getting the following error which I don't know how to resolve:
 + Items/Consumables/SOS.cs:
    CS0120: Line 418: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'SOS.keyQuest'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Referring to line:
                    if (keyQuest)
                        new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1127456);

            private static readonly MessageEntry[] m_Entries = new MessageEntry[]
                new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1153540),
                new MessageEntry(280, 215, 1153546),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153547),
                new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1153537),
                new MessageEntry(280, 215, 1153539),
                new MessageEntry(280, 195, 1153543),
                new MessageEntry(280, 265, 1153548),
                new MessageEntry(280, 230, 1153544),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153545),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153549),
                new MessageEntry(280, 160, 1153541),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153538),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153542),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153550),

            public static MessageEntry[] Entries
                    if (keyQuest)
                        new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1127456);

                        return m_Entries;
Well your keyquest, is that supposed to be per Mobile? Or is that something that should affect all Entries?
In theory it should only effect an sos that has the keyquest active, here is the full script:
using System;
using Server.Gumps;

namespace Server.Items
    [Flipable(0x14ED, 0x14EE)]
    public class SOS : Item
        public override int LabelNumber
                if (IsAncient)
                    return 1063450; // an ancient SOS

                if (keyQuest)
                    return 1127455; //a map to the boots of footless joe

                return 1041081; // a waterstained SOS

        private int m_Level;
        private Map m_TargetMap;
        private Point3D m_TargetLocation;
        private int m_MessageIndex;
        public readonly bool keyQuest;

        public bool IsAncient
                return (m_Level >= 4);

        public int Level
                return m_Level;
                m_Level = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(value, 4));

        public Map TargetMap
                return m_TargetMap;
                m_TargetMap = value;

        public Point3D TargetLocation
                return m_TargetLocation;
                m_TargetLocation = value;

        public int MessageIndex
                return m_MessageIndex;
                m_MessageIndex = value;

        public void UpdateHue()
            if (IsAncient)
                Hue = 0x481;
                Hue = 0;

        public SOS()
            : this(Map.Trammel)

        public SOS(Map map)
            : this(map, MessageInABottle.GetRandomLevel())

        public SOS(Map map, int level, bool isKeyQuest = false)
            : base(0x14EE)
            Weight = 1.0;

            m_Level = level;
            m_MessageIndex = Utility.Random(MessageEntry.Entries.Length);
            m_TargetMap = map;
            m_TargetLocation = FindLocation(m_TargetMap);
            keyQuest = isKeyQuest;


        public SOS(Serial serial)
            : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)4); // version



        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch (version)
                case 4:
                case 3:
                case 2:
                        m_Level = reader.ReadInt();
                        goto case 1;
                case 1:
                        m_TargetMap = reader.ReadMap();
                        m_TargetLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
                        m_MessageIndex = reader.ReadInt();

                case 0:
                        m_TargetMap = Map;

                        if (m_TargetMap == null || m_TargetMap == Map.Internal)
                            m_TargetMap = Map.Trammel;

                        m_TargetLocation = FindLocation(m_TargetMap);
                        m_MessageIndex = Utility.Random(MessageEntry.Entries.Length);


            if (version < 2)
                m_Level = MessageInABottle.GetRandomLevel();

            if (version < 3)

            if (version < 4 && m_TargetMap == Map.Tokuno)
                m_TargetMap = Map.Trammel;

        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (IsChildOf(from.Backpack))
                MessageEntry entry;

                if (m_MessageIndex >= 0 && m_MessageIndex < MessageEntry.Entries.Length)
                    entry = MessageEntry.Entries[m_MessageIndex];
                    entry = MessageEntry.Entries[m_MessageIndex = Utility.Random(MessageEntry.Entries.Length)];

                from.SendGump(new MessageGump(entry, m_TargetMap, m_TargetLocation));
                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1042001); // That must be in your pack for you to use it.

        public virtual void OnSOSComplete(Container chest)
            //This adds the key to the chest every time. It should be changed to whatever you want the probability to be
            if (keyQuest && Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.1)
                chest.AddItem(new AdventurerKey());

        private static readonly int[] m_WaterTiles = new int[]
            0x00A8, 0x00AB,
            0x0136, 0x0137

        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_BritRegions = new Rectangle2D[] { new Rectangle2D(0, 0, 5120, 4096) };
        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_IlshRegions = new Rectangle2D[] { new Rectangle2D(1472, 272, 304, 240), new Rectangle2D(1240, 1000, 312, 160) };
        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_MalasRegions = new Rectangle2D[] { new Rectangle2D(1376, 1520, 464, 280) };
        private static readonly Rectangle2D[] m_TokunoRegions = new Rectangle2D[] { new Rectangle2D(10, 10, 1440, 1440) };

        public static Point3D FindLocation(Map map)
            if (map == null || map == Map.Internal)
                return Point3D.Zero;

            Rectangle2D[] regions;

            if (map == Map.Felucca || map == Map.Trammel)
                regions = m_BritRegions;
            else if (map == Map.Ilshenar)
                regions = m_IlshRegions;
            else if (map == Map.Malas)
                regions = m_MalasRegions;
            else if (map == Map.Tokuno)
                regions = m_TokunoRegions;
                regions = new Rectangle2D[] { new Rectangle2D(0, 0, map.Width, map.Height) };

            if (regions.Length == 0)
                return Point3D.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)
                Rectangle2D reg = regions[Utility.Random(regions.Length)];
                int x = Utility.Random(reg.X, reg.Width);
                int y = Utility.Random(reg.Y, reg.Height);

                if (!ValidateDeepWater(map, x, y))

                bool valid = true;

                for (int j = 1, offset = 5; valid && j <= 5; ++j, offset += 5)
                    if (!ValidateDeepWater(map, x + offset, y + offset))
                        valid = false;
                    else if (!ValidateDeepWater(map, x + offset, y - offset))
                        valid = false;
                    else if (!ValidateDeepWater(map, x - offset, y + offset))
                        valid = false;
                    else if (!ValidateDeepWater(map, x - offset, y - offset))
                        valid = false;

                if (valid)
                    return new Point3D(x, y, 0);

            return Point3D.Zero;

        public static bool ValidateDeepWater(Map map, int x, int y)
            int tileID = map.Tiles.GetLandTile(x, y).ID;
            bool water = false;

            for (int i = 0; !water && i < m_WaterTiles.Length; i += 2)
                water = (tileID >= m_WaterTiles[i] && tileID <= m_WaterTiles[i + 1]);

            return water;

#if false
        private class MessageGump : Gump
            public MessageGump( MessageEntry entry, Map map, Point3D loc ) : base( (640 - entry.Width) / 2, (480 - entry.Height) / 2 )
                int xLong = 0, yLat = 0;
                int xMins = 0, yMins = 0;
                bool xEast = false, ySouth = false;
                string fmt;

                if ( Sextant.Format( loc, map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth ) )
                    fmt = String.Format( "{0}°{1}'{2},{3}°{4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W" );
                    fmt = "?????";

                AddPage( 0 );
                AddBackground( 0, 0, entry.Width, entry.Height, 2520 );
                AddHtml( 38, 38, entry.Width - 83, entry.Height - 86, String.Format( entry.Message, fmt ), false, false );
        private class MessageGump : Gump
            public MessageGump(MessageEntry entry, Map map, Point3D loc)
                : base(150, 50)
                int xLong = 0, yLat = 0;
                int xMins = 0, yMins = 0;
                bool xEast = false, ySouth = false;
                string fmt;

                if (Sextant.Format(loc, map, ref xLong, ref yLat, ref xMins, ref yMins, ref xEast, ref ySouth))
                    fmt = String.Format("{0}o {1}'{2}, {3}o {4}'{5}", yLat, yMins, ySouth ? "S" : "N", xLong, xMins, xEast ? "E" : "W");
                    fmt = "?????";


                if (Core.ML)
                    AddBackground(0, 0, 250, 350, 9390);

                    AddHtmlLocalized(30, 50, 190, 420, entry.Message, fmt, 0, false, false);
                    AddBackground(0, 40, 350, 300, 2520);

                    AddHtmlLocalized(30, 80, 285, 160, 1018326, true, true); /* This is a message hastily scribbled by a passenger aboard a sinking ship.
                                                                              * While it is probably too late to save the passengers and crew,
                                                                              * perhaps some treasure went down with the ship!
                                                                              * The message gives the ship's last known sextant co-ordinates.

                    AddHtmlLocalized(35, 240, 230, 20, entry.Message, fmt, 0, false, false);

                    AddButton(35, 265, 4005, 4007, 0, GumpButtonType.Reply, 0);
                    AddHtmlLocalized(70, 265, 100, 20, 1011036, false, false); // OKAY

        private class MessageEntry
            private readonly int m_Width;
            private readonly int m_Height;
            private readonly int m_Message;

            public int Width
                    return m_Width;
            public int Height
                    return m_Height;
            public int Message
                    return m_Message;

            public MessageEntry(int width, int height, int message)
                m_Width = width;
                m_Height = height;
                m_Message = message;

            private static readonly MessageEntry[] m_Entries = new MessageEntry[]
                new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1153540),
                new MessageEntry(280, 215, 1153546),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153547),
                new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1153537),
                new MessageEntry(280, 215, 1153539),
                new MessageEntry(280, 195, 1153543),
                new MessageEntry(280, 265, 1153548),
                new MessageEntry(280, 230, 1153544),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153545),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153549),
                new MessageEntry(280, 160, 1153541),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153538),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153542),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153550),

            public static MessageEntry[] Entries
                    if (keyQuest)
                        new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1127456);

                        return m_Entries;
Well the thing is you try to access an variable from another class without a reference, hence the message.

Your variable is in SOS, you try to access it in Message Entry, wich just returns you an array. So its not even a method to pass it in (which you could alter to that).

But even then you never add it to the array, and since you want that as an array, you may go with something like this:
    private class MessageEntry
        public int Width { get; }
        public int Height { get; }
        public int Message { get; }

        public MessageEntry(int width, int height, int message)
            Width = width;
            Height = height;
            Message = message;

        public static MessageEntry[] Entries { get; } = new MessageEntry[]
                new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1153540),
                new MessageEntry(280, 215, 1153546),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153547),
                new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1153537),
                new MessageEntry(280, 215, 1153539),
                new MessageEntry(280, 195, 1153543),
                new MessageEntry(280, 265, 1153548),
                new MessageEntry(280, 230, 1153544),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153545),
                new MessageEntry(280, 285, 1153549),
                new MessageEntry(280, 160, 1153541),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153538),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153542),
                new MessageEntry(280, 250, 1153550),
        public static MessageEntry[] EntriesKeyQuest { get; } = Entries.Append(new MessageEntry(280, 180, 1127456)).ToArray();

Even though I feel dirty about that, you could then use your keyQuest check in the SOS class and use the different array.
Or just do it in a different way in your sos class.

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