I've been a bad server owner even going as far as to give the server away to the best candidate as I could never feel satisfied with my work or the state of the server. I stopped making servers public when the community got mad at me. Now im to the point where I'm finally happy with my server and custom map! The problem now is I need to build all kinds of more stuff like the custom map has 36 LARGE dungeons layouts and a large fel map full of continents once i realized how much work i need to put into it i just gave up but im slowly getting back into it now. If anyone wants to help build dungeons with me I will open up my local server to the internet for you to join while im running it. Ask me anything about my server I dont really wanna go into too much detail but yeah its really cool even has a custom system for jewelry which is going to be so awesome the shard itself is very promising and i think it will gather a large player base when its done but like a said... so much work to be done! I think ill get cracking tonight after a music production session. Anyone wanna join and help out? if I do this alone it might take years to finish.

My server is dope in its current state I even updated security it has a lot of cool custom things you can do kinda like a less restriction more freedom feeling I honestly need to go through and make a list of all the features and start a wiki to explain everything. I might do that tonight... XD
Howdy! I've been working on a shard project of my own, focusing on new quests, new skill revamps, new items, new bosses/champ spawns, new monsters (including a random monster generation system), etc. Basically, everything except a custom map (which I really want!). I publish all my stuff here, so your free to grab it and take what you want but I would love to build something together and coordinate!

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Shards of Minax

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