Hi All,

I added new animation. But having trouble when I try to mount it :)

Added NPC anim to Anim5.MUL in 211 slot, here is UOfiddler picture.


Added anim number to Bodyconv.def

350 -1 -1 -1 211 #Griffin

Added scp to summon NPC, at this point everything is ok. :)


Now try to add anim in tiledata for mount it. Found empty slot and write animation number of Griffin


Like so, change mount scp. call 0x3FE8 while mounting NPC,

getting this error message,

ERROR:(i_memories.scp,634)Setting unknown base ID=03fe8 for base type i_mt_griffin_brown
Mounting someting else,


Try with another npc.


Result is same, Character mounting someting else.


Can someone help me about it?

Note: I'm using 7x Client , other muls coming from Uo.com classic client files.

It may happen client read anim UOP but I couldnt figure out how to open and read animation.UOPs
Problem is solved,

I think I'am using broken tiledata slot thats why when I try to mount npc its not appear on client, find another empty slot and move animation slot from 350 to 1600. Its work just fine
I have problem

the mount I added. When I ride on it, the mount is not clicked on. ( Client 6x Ml )


  • rr.gif
    2.2 MB · Views: 73
Does anybody know where we can find the Royal Griffin graphics that was referenced in the original post tutorial? Thanks!
Hi to all.
I'm having a problem adding new animations in the empty slots of anim# files of UO directory. I can see in the anim file (with UOFiddler) that my anim is loaded and changed bodyconv, body and mobtypes but the animation won't appear. It only appears when I replace one that already has his own animation. Someone can give me more explanations? Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I've read that there are some client where you can't add new animations, you can just replace the one that already exist. I'm using a Mondain's Legacy (I think it's like version 7.0 or something) UO and RunUO2.0 as emulator.
Hey guys, a bit random, but I've been having issues regarding adding new animations to the game.I followed this guide.I have ready-made .vd files, I load them through mulpatcher, to, what it seems at first glance, to be a free slot.I set everything up in body.def, bodyconv.def, mobiles.txt and coprse.def (to be frank with you, I have no idea if I understand those files correctly). What I stumble upon is that even though the number of the slot in mulpatcher is free, in bodyconv, for instance, it seems taken. That's a pickle. Would anyone of you lads care to explain this issue to me?? Is there any difference between the decimals in mulpatcher and bodyconv?With the use of UOFiddler I took a look what was supposed to be my new animation. It works... partly. In game I see nothing

Animations are very tricky specially when you use lower numbers. Some slots are bugged from back in the day of first creation. If going to be adding new animations I would suggest using higher numbers. Also reading earlier the very first post there is a run animation for high animation creatures but it is named (fly) you can use this block as the run animation for creatures as it is the same effect as the run in low animation creatures. Also when checking other files don't forget to check the equipconv file also sometimes a bodyvalue is used for equipment also. Some bodyvalues are also used for the UOP files that can not be seen by fiddler, easy way to check is just have your server up change your characters bodyvalue to see if that value is open to double check. Most importantly make sure your using the default number of frames per each block of animation having to many or to few may cause the client to crash or have a skipping effect in animation.
If you figure out how to do this, let me know LOL There stuff is encoded hardcore.
I am not sure what you mean by "encoded hardcore"? My client is no more different than any other client. You use UOFiddler to open my client files...and export what you want. Nothing special required to do so.
I am not sure what you mean by "encoded hardcore"? My client is no more different than any other client. You use UOFiddler to open my client files...and export what you want. Nothing special required to do so.
Oh for some reason i thought you said Outlands. My bad. I was commenting on their locked down mul files. I wish i knew how they did that because thats something i am interested in doing.

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